Page 44 of Voltage

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Not for dragging him through Manhattan’s unforgiving morning traffic.

I’m in a confined space next to a man whose dick I sorta saw last night. My boyfriend’s stepfather.

It’s beyond messed up and heinously wrong.

Even if Carter was more than okay with it.

If I had any doubts, they evaporated when I woke up to his note saying, You’re the kinky light of my life, scribbled in his elegant handwriting.

My baby. Both my holes are sore from how he fucked me last night.

From what we did.

While we talked about Killian. While he watched.

I’m not ashamed of it. I wanted it.

After years of being belittled by my parents, I’m done being ashamed of who I am. I know that. Carter knows that. That’s why he keeps reassuring me we’re keeping our relationship a secret because of work. That we have to lay low when we’re in the hotel so no one gets the wrong idea and thinks he’s nice.

Brain, stop bouncing around. We’re in the middle of a conversation here.

“I feel guilty that Carter made you take me in this traffic.” My fingers now turn to assault the strap of my yellow floral handbag. My cheeks burn hot. “Please, just drop me off. Even here. It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine. You were assaulted last night. They didn’t catch the guy.” Killian’s deep voice and concern soothe my worried heart by some. “I care about keeping you safe. Carter was right to ask me to drop you off and I’m happy to do that. Once you’re there, Opal will be with you, right?”

My employee. The one I could afford, thanks to the large orders that Voltage makes.

“Yes, she’s coming in today.”

“Good,” he ends the discussion.

He might be done. Me… A little less so.

“It makes no sense.” I let go of my poor space bun, flexing my fingers in my lap. “It’s just a few blocks away. There’s no use for you to be stuck…” I wave my hands to the creeping traffic. “Here.”

“I’m not stuck. I don’t give a damn about traffic when you might be watched by someone.” His sharp jaw and intense eyes don’t steer from the road. “It’s a good time as any to tell you we’re taking precautions. I texted my guy to take down your camera in the shop and install new ones. They’ll be connected to an app on our phones. You’ll be safe.”

A screaming taxi driver flips his middle finger at someone. He captures my attention for a brief moment. Only a brief one.

“I’m grateful.” I seethe, choosing my words carefully. I like talking to Killian. What I don’t like is when they do stuff behind my back. Take control of my life. “But call them off.”

“I won’t.” He stares straight ahead, his lips twitching. “That’s final.”

Here, in the passenger seat of Killian’s car, I have front-row seats to the eyes that haunt me in my dreams. The eyes that bore holes in Carter and me yesterday. They’re deep and commanding, and I’m an inch from losing my resolve.

“My parents were controlling assholes.” My words are half plea, half demand. “Carter is a controlling sweetheart. I like that. Don’t make me regret liking him.”

Don’t make me regret moving in. I really fucking like living with the two of you.

“Not calling the guy off. This man was the last one who will ever lay a finger on you. Next time, we’ll have the police there in a matter of minutes.” Killian flexes his long fingers on the wheel. “We’re the only ones who’ll have access to the camera app. It’s for your own safety.”

He glances at me, quirking an eyebrow. Challenging me to refuse again. The small movement has my mind wandering. I’m hot all over.

When he switches his attention to the road, I keep staring at Killian. At the man who was a part of Carter’s and my night.

Both of them work out. Their bodies are those of two sculpted gods, except Killian packs a little more muscle than his stepson does. His large frame fills the black leather seat. If I hadn’t known better—and maybe I don’t—I’d believe the manufacturer molded the seat to Killian’s measurements.

The black tailor-made suit sits on him like a second skin, although the clothes aren’t what’s grabbing my attention.

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