Page 30 of Voltage

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He took me in the ass hard, eviscerating every sad and self-deprecating thought that bothered me. Swore up and down that they adore my flowers.

That I’d never have to close my shop. Ever.

In retrospect, I’m able to look at the whole scenario in a brand-new light.

And I start understanding what happened this evening. Carter allowed Killian hold me. Killian stroked my face, called me beautiful girl.

Maybe Carter isn’t the only obsessed man in this penthouse.

Maybe the two of them are. Over me.

Hopefully, over each other.

We could be together. Sure, the barely existent relationship with my parents would be ruined. The uptight fuckers don’t approve of my shop. They stopped inviting me to family gatherings long ago because of my career choice.

The second they get wind of me dating two men, they’ll disown me.

Destroy me.

They could.

They are, after all, the owners of the building I live in and where I run my shop.

They’re my landlords.

Without the space for my flowers, it won’t be long before I’m penniless. I don’t have a college degree. No higher education. I could bartend, but I’ll never earn enough to rent a new shop.

Carter will feel obligated to support me.

Fuck, no.

If I ask Carter and Killian for what I want, I could potentially ruin everything for everyone.

Killian was kind and sweet. A glimmer of my over-the-top muffin flashed in his eyes tonight. A glimmer. He’ll never be interested in a relationship with us.

Best to leave things where they are.

Better yet, might as well get naked and wait for Carter.



It’s the middle of the night.

My pet sleeps next to me in my king-size bed. I’m on my back, hugging her to my side. Her sweet cheek rests on my chest, her leg thrown over mine.

She’s naked. Knocked out and curled at my side. Has been like this for the past few hours.

Amara dozed off minutes after I got out of the shower. She was naked, waiting for me to fuck her. Then she fell asleep minutes after we started kissing.

Sweet little thing. Today’s been a lot for her.

Pride filled me at hearing her relate her part of the story on the way over here. The moments she’d been alone with Chuck before I got there. Because I was late.

Because of Preston.

I curse under my breath. If I find out Killian hadn’t made him bleed and walk out of our hotel fucking concussed, I’ll haunt Preston down to finish the job myself.

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