Page 28 of Voltage

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“Technically, Dad,”—there were days he called him that, fueling the dirtiest fantasies in me—“it’s good night. We’re going to my room. Or would you prefer we continue this conversation here?”

Dear Lord, I loved this man. But every now and then—only in Killian’s presence—I wished he’d shut the hell up.

While Carter liked my silly side, Killian seemed to be apathetic to it.

Whenever the topic of sex came up in a conversation and slip-ups like this happened, Killian responded with…nothing. He’d direct his gaze at either Carter or me. A strange sentiment would bleed from him.

He’d have tingles snaking up my spine. My heart would slow to a stop.

Today was no exception.

I took the hint. Carter, less so.

“You don’t mind it, do you?” Since Carter had me in his hold, he pulled me over to where Killian stood. “Us talking about getting my dick sucked?”

Jesus Christ, Carter, I’m the one who’s drunk, not you, I screamed inwardly.

Killian replied in the form of another penetrating glare. His gaze cast between Carter and me, eventually landing on my man.

The kitchen felt as though it’d been doused in fuel and Carter struck the match to ignite it.

Surprisingly, though, I wasn’t mortified anymore. My nipples puckered and my shocked vagina hummed to life. Wicked energy burst into the expansive space. Suffocating and delightful.

We were the only people in the world.

Burning. Choking on the fumes. Being incinerated to the ground.

I wanted so many things. Things no one else in the room wanted.

Like have them fuck me. Watch them fuck each other. Get mashed between both of them as they loved up on me and each other, and—

Those fantasies would be the end of me.

Carter glided forward, closer to Killian. Carrying me alongside him.

“Carter, let’s go to bed.” I tugged at his sleeve. As if that’d help. Moreover when my resolve was nonexistent. I didn’t want to leave this room at all. “Please, muffin.”

Carter, akin to his stepfather, leveled me with a glare that could burn down cities. Then proceeded to stride forward.

What was he doing?

More importantly, what would we be doing once we got to Killian?

Questions floundered in the thick haze of my lust. The possibilities were endless.

Killian hadn’t told us to back off. He continued to give us his thunderous silence and reproaching expression. That and nothing else.

He might’ve loved the idea. Might’ve hated it and wanted us to go away.

We didn’t. Carter only stopped when less than a foot separated us and the counter.

My breaths seared my lungs. My piercing teased the hardening nub of my nipple. We were doing this. We were actually doing—

No. No. No.


With one glance to the counter next to Killian, I saw it.

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