Page 21 of Voltage

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Watching Carter when he enters our penthouse tonight will be even better. He said he’ll come back after his date, and fuck, I can’t wait to see him enter through the elevator doors.

His hair will be messy from having Amara’s fingers raking through it. His lips will glisten and his scent will be a mixture of him and her arousal.

I’ll be jealous as fuck. And equally aroused.

It’ll remind me of all the times I walked in on them banging on our counter. Spied on them in silence. Jerked off to Carter’s massive cock and how red Amara’s ass was from the spanking.

If people realize how sick I am… If Carter does, he’ll never forgive me. He’ll move out. He might be so repulsed that he’ll sell me his part of the business and disappear.

It’d make sense. I raised him. Called him kid. Drove him to school. Watched him grow up before my eyes.

I’d never even looked at him like that until three years ago, around the time he turned twenty-two. That wouldn’t matter.

He’ll think the worst of me.

Shut the fuck up.

Those memories don’t help. They remind me how fucked in the head I am. That only serves to eviscerate what little patience I have left.

“Don’t get me wrong.” I seethe. “We value Christopher as a member here. But now you’re both high up on our shit list.”

Preston sees the underlying threat for what it is. “Please, I don’t want to die.”

“I won’t kill you.” I straighten myself, wiping his blood on a cloth I have tucked in my pants pocket. “Not today.”

“Thank you, thank you.” He scrambles to get to his feet, stumbles like the pathetic fuck he is, then manages to stand up. “It won’t happen again.”

“No, it won’t.” I don’t shake his offered hand. Instead, I fix him with a deadly stare and point at the door that leads upstairs and to his freedom. “Your membership is revoked. You’ll do well to remember that next time anyone shows up here and says you sent him, you’re fucking dead, Preston.”

I’ll have one of our private eyes stalk him too, just in case.

“What, Mr. Murdock, I—”

“Get the fuck out of our hotel. Don’t ever return. You and Christopher can hold your meetings somewhere else.” I narrow my eyes. “Where they don’t value discretion.”

“But—” He has the nerve to contradict me a second time.

“No buts.” My voice is low, gruff, and ominous. Preston cowers at it. “Out. Of. Our. Hotel.”

I can tell he considers how clever it’ll be to try and negotiate again.

It’s moments like these that tell me I made the right decision by not sending Carter away to college. For all of Preston’s education, he has nothing on the experience and harsh life lessons Carter has learned by working alongside me.

“Don’t.” I cut my eyes to the torture devices we have out in the open. When I look back at Preston, the snot and blood stain his quivering chin. “Another second here and I won’t be as forgiving.”

With a hand plastered over his bleeding nose, Preston Richards drags himself out of Voltage for the last time.

Finally, I get to go home.



“This doesn’t feel right.” I hear Amara’s voice from the foyer of our penthouse.

She shouldn’t have been here. Carter shouldn’t have either.

It’s too early. I’m still in my suit. Still reek of blood.

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