Page 204 of Voltage

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“Baby, I swear.” Carter grasped my hand while Killian wiped a silly tear from my cheek. Freaking hormones. “The moment these munchkins pop out of you, you can join us whenever you want.”

I frowned, but what could I say? He had a point.

I’d been patient for the nine months I carried our babies. And now they’re out.

Our babies. Ours. Literally, too. Skyla, our girl turned out to be Carter’s, and Ares, our boy, is biologically Killian’s.

Our black-haired kid and the blond one.

Who currently sleep at Luna and Julien’s apartment until their parents’ date night is over.

“See, I heard you were talking shit about our woman.” Carter twirls Cyclone in his hand.

Every time the blade swings, it nearly cuts through Dorothy’s green eye. The blond drug dealer flinches, although that’s the most she can do. Being tied to a chair kind of limits her movements.

“I only said—”

Carter spins Cyclone one last time. Then he sinks it into Dorothy’s shoulder.

Her scream gets me all warm and fuzzy inside. I shrug off my restricting black suit jacket—I’ve opted out of my colorful clothes to match outfits with my partners today—and toss it on the desk behind me.

The desk of our office.

Killian—who already removed his jacket—rolls up his sleeves. Each inch reveals more of his sexy forearms, more of his enchanting tattoos. To the old and the new ones he added.

Amara and Carter are etched on his right wrist. Skyla and Ares on the left.

He grabs the woman’s head, yanking it back without an ounce of mercy.

She screams again. I giggle.

“There’s no only, Dorothy.” He’s talking to her, but he’s looking at me. “You broke rule number three”—our latest and bestest —“which is—no one calls Amara a gold-digging whore and lives to see another day.”

“No one.” Carter’s grin widens as he drags the knife from her shoulder down her arm.

Blood oozes out of the gash, painting her skin red.

“Can I help?”

Carter’s gray eyes rise to meet mine. Both men look at me curiously.

“Help with what, beautiful girl?”

I bat my eyelashes innocently. “Can I kill her?”

Their knowing smiles are all the answers I need.

It’s not like I crave murdering people left and right. I’m actually fond of Voltage’s members and staff. They seem genuinely nice. Plus, they visit my shop and buy my flowers. Lots of them. Carnations is thriving with two new employees and a second floor added for Opal to do our flower arrangements without a soul bothering her.

When people wrong us, though, I’m insatiable. I become a little vampire, thirsty for blood like my babies are for my milk.

“There you go, pet.” Carter offers me his knife.

Dorothy’s screams are now annoying, pathetic sobs.

“You should’ve thought about that before you decided to be a bitch.” I shake my head at him, whipping off my belt. “I would suggest you choose your words wisely next time.”

I meander toward the back of the chair. Carter grabs my chin, crushing his lips to mine in a quick, forceful kiss.

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