Page 202 of Voltage

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The relief. That flicker of happiness.

I’m proud of my relationship with my stepson and Amara. For the short few weeks we’ve been together, they’ve been helping me unravel. To admit to the one thing that’s been missing in my life. The one I couldn’t ask for until it was thrusted into my lap.


For them—these two humans my heart is forever connected to—I’d put myself out there. I’d risk being scorned or accused. With open motherfucking arms.

And fists.

And Carter’s Cyclone.

No one would spew made-up shit about us and get to live.

Our hotel will survive.

So will we.

Loving the people you love and having them love you back can never be wrong.

“Do you mind me asking how this happened?” Luna’s smile is warm.

We told her and Snake the gist of it. She doesn’t have to stay here. She can go back and enjoy her new husband. She doesn’t, though. Can’t help her curiosity.

I understand.

Still, it’s none of her business.

Carter, sitting on the leather chair beside me with Amara in his lap, says what the three of us are thinking, “We walked into it as consenting adults. That’s all you or anyone else needs to know.”

Amara, floaty and beautiful, massages his wet hair. Hers is damp as well, draping across her shoulders, darkening the black hotel uniform shirt she’s wearing.

My hand is on her knee, and Carter covers it, connecting the three of us.

“Okay.” Luna holds up her tablet, preparing to type. “Anything else you want me to forward to our members?”

“No.” On the outside, I’m all business. On the inside, I’m dying to get home. “They should figure out the we won’t tolerate any crap from anyone part on their own.”

“We’ll be ready, boss, in case anyone doesn’t get the message.” Snake cracks his tattooed fingers, a mean-looking smile curving his lips. “Our team won’t fail you again, I promise you.”

Carter’s thumb rubs slow circles onto Amara’s thigh, grazing my hand too. He doesn’t add how he’d love nothing more than to put some people in their place. Everyone in the room is aware of it without him needing to say a word.

Snake and Luna say their goodbyes, and we’re left alone. Just the three of us.

“So, that’s it?” Amara glances between Carter and me. “We’re together? Forever?”

Her enthusiasm never fails to warm my heart. She’s more endearing than humanly possible. Hungry for love just as she’s eager to spread it.

“Would you like it to be?” I grab her feet, placing them in my lap.

My question is a response to her statement, but it’s directed to Carter as well.

“Yes.” Carter kisses her temple and squeezes my hand.

“A million yesses.” Amara puts her hand on top of ours. “A million and one.”

“Good. Because we were never going to let you go.”

“Never.” Carter picks her up, and I’m right behind him as he walks for the door. “Now, let’s go home.”

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