Page 163 of Voltage

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My God.

The perfect wedding does exist.

Carter occupied the seat to my left while the couple talked about their forever and ever. For the first time ever, I saw him shooting a deeply apologetic glance my way. To his left, Killian did the same. His lips mouthed two words, “I’m sorry.”

They had nothing to be sorry for. I didn’t want to get hitched. My tears weren’t shed over this thing we have between us. Over the secrets we keep.

We’d get married, eventually. I hoped. It’s just this bridal talk that’d fucked with my head. Had me daydreaming of shit I’d never cared for.

My fiancé this. My future wife that. It was so sweet.

I want that for myself.

No, I don’t. I remind myself as I fix my gaze on the bride and groom. It’s my hormones talking.

This has nothing to do with Carter and Killian. They haven’t told me they loved me yet.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the wedding officiant announces, mentally slapping me out of my head. “You may kiss the bride.”

At last. Another second of this emotional onslaught and my tears would’ve ruined my dress. And I love this piece Killian got me.

Then again, the horrified looks they’d give me if I cried so much that I managed to destroy the fabric… Maybe that isn’t the worst idea. I’d laugh and forget about the stupid dreams I’ve never wanted to begin with.

I stand up, smiling at Kim and Natalie who sat to my right. It takes everything in me to ignore Killian and Carter whose eyes I feel scorching my skin.

These men will end up giving me a whiplash. They’ve been clear about the importance of appearance. How we need to pace ourselves, pretend we’re in the flirting stage. Once we’re sure this relationship is forever.

Yet here they are, sending me cryptic messages. Boring holes into my profile.

“I’m going to get myself a drink,” I tell the two women. “Can I get you something from the bar?”

My new friends return my smile. Their kindness warms me to my core. Friendship is such a foreign concept to me. Usually, when I tell people I talk to my flowers, their faces twist and they walk in the other direction.

These sweet blonds haven’t.

It’s settled, then. I’m keeping them.

Maybe next time I’m delivering flowers here—that is, if I still have my shop—I’ll hang out a little. I’m sure Opal won’t mind. I’ll even tell her to hang the closed sign. For another thirty minutes or so.

“No, thank you, Amara.” Natalie brushes back a loose strand of her hair. “We’re going to congratulate Luna, then we’re headed home. We have the morning shift tomorrow.”

“I guess I’ll see you around?” My voice is strained. Doubt twists my belly. Are my new friends blowing me off?

I don’t even feel the men’s attention on me anymore. That’s how nervous I am.

“Damn right, you will.” Kim squeezes my hand and joy resurfaces in my chest. “We’re here a lot. Better yet, let’s exchange numbers. We’ll have a girls’ night when the stars align and both of us have a morning off.”

My grin tears at my face. Literally. Smiling hurts, but it’s a good kind of pain.

Not as good as Killian biting my clit while Carter’s pounding into my ass. Close, though. Real fucking close.

“I’d love that.” I pull my phone from the hidden pocket in my dress.

Instead of putting in their last names, I type in new besties one and two. I show it to them, and they laugh. A friendly laugh. Since they’re leaving, we say our goodbyes and I head to the bar.

Carter and Killian aren’t staring at me anymore. They’re talking to Luna and Julien next to the altar. Now that they’re looking away, I miss their heated gazes.

Now who’s giving whom whiplash?

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