Page 13 of Voltage

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“Hey, hey.” He stops dry humping me. His arms slide around my back, dragging me to him, mashing to his chest with one hand on my head. “Don’t go there. I’m here. No one touches you, pet. No one. You’re mine, you hear?”

Sometimes, like this evening, I wish I was a crier. At least I would’ve stained his thousand-dollar shirt with snot and tears.

“I could’ve been raped.” I punch him. Try, that is. Carter pins me to him, locking me in place. “And you weren’t here.”

“I know, and I’m sorry.” The surrender in his tone matches the slow, amorous strokes of his hand along the curve of my back. “It won’t happen again. No one in this whole fucking world will ever touch you. It’s a fucking promise.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You trust me?” He continues to caress me while gluing me to his body. Loving and hurting me all at once.


“Good girl.”

Soothed and comforted, I use my nails to graze his shirt. I finally notice that my eyes don’t hurt because Carter has been considerate and turned off the lights and left only one lamp on.

What’s that? Carter’s scent carries into my nose. It’s his usual sandalwood cologne. And bleach.

“Carter, why do you—”

“You’re moving in with us, Amara,” he cuts into my question. “Where you’ll be safe. That’s how I can be so sure.”

My first reaction is that of complete and utter joy.

I’ve been head over heels crazy in love with this man, a secret I haven’t told him yet. I’m not sure he’s into the whole traditional feeling declaration idea. So, obviously, I’m the happiest girl ever.

“Eep!” My lips stretch into a gloriously wide smile. “For real?”

“Yes, for real.”

I wiggle so hard against him that he releases his hold on me. He lets out a low, rugged laugh when I grip his face, kissing every inch of his gorgeous face from his chin to his forehead.

“We’ll be roommates?” I ask, my face and his less than an inch apart.

“More like sexy partners who do—” he starts.

The potent scent of bleach bursts my pretty, pink bubble.

This time, I’m the one who doesn’t let him finish. I rear back, my eyebrows knitting. “Where’s the man who broke in here?”

Carter doesn’t so much as blink. “He’s where he should be.”

Twisting my head left and right, I scan the small space of my apartment. Nothing looks out of place, nothing suggesting a struggle. I mean, I know Carter is strong as fuck—I’ve been benefitting from it plenty—but the other guy was huge.

Carter couldn’t have just made the guy disappear. I think.

Okay, now I’m officially curious. And a little more turned on. He deserves a kiss for killing this fucker. That is if he’s done it.

“Where is that exactly?”

“Out on the street, limping back to the hole he crawled out of.”

The flat tone he uses has me half convinced. Carter did have the element of surprise on his side. He could’ve tackled him, broken a bone. Something dirty and delicious.

Still, though, I need to know. “You didn’t call the police?”

“Baby.” His eyes gleam, sinister, and luring me to their depths. “I was furious when I saw him hurting you. Had to kick the motherfucker’s ass. The cops would’ve dragged me to the station with him. Away from you.”

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