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“I'm happy for you, sweetheart,” she says to me. She hugs Spencer next. “And you, my boy. You have become like another grandchild to me, and I was devastated when you and Amelia ended things. But now…I'm thrilled. I’m thrilled to welcome you into the family, even if it's under circumstances I wasn't expecting.”

He opens his mouth to respond, but we all hear the voice of complete and utter disbelief before he gets a chance to utter his words.

“Welcome to the family? What the fuck is going on here?”

I whip around at the sound of Amelia's voice, and so does Spencer as Nana's eyes focus on her other granddaughter.

“Oh, hey, Amelia,” I say, going for casual even though my voice is shaking as I face my sister. “We were going to find a better time to tell you…” I suck in a breath as I say the words she already heard Nana say anyway. “Spencer and I got married.”

Her face reddens with anger. “You?” she asks, pointing at me. “And…and…you?” she asks, pointing at Spencer. “You two? When?” She doesn’t give us time to answer. “Wait. You told me you wanted to wait until your contract was up.” She turns her accusatory gaze onto Spencer.

“I did,” he says simply. “And my contract with the Vikings ended.” He says it so easily even though we all know that's not what he meant when he told her he wanted to wait.

“So, you just…marry the first girl you see?” she asks snidely, jabbing a thumb toward me.

“It's not like that, Amelia,” he says quietly.

“Then what the fuck is it like?” she demands.

“Amelia!” Nana scolds. “I know you're emotional over this shocking announcement, but I will not allow you to use that kind of language in my tasting room.”

Amelia doesn't bat an eyelash at the scolding as she continues, staring the two of us down as Spencer leans in toward me, draping a defensive arm around my shoulders.

“And you,” she says, turning to me with a hiss. “How could you do this to me? You know how much I loved him.”

“Did you?” I ask. “Because the last time I checked, you were sleeping with Drew behind Spencer’s back on my desk.”

She glares at me. “When?”

“Months ago,” I admit, assuming she means not when we got married but when I caught her and Drew doing it on my desk.

Her face blanches. “You've been married for months?”

“No,” Spencer clarifies. “I was in Vegas. Gracie came to see me, and while we were there, we knew we couldn't wait another minute.”

Now he’s just lying to her, which I’m fine with if it helps this look as believable as it’s starting to become.

“So, you swoop in on my man five minutes after we broke up?” she asks, turning toward me.

I shake my head. “It wasn't like that. He was hurt over getting cheated on by the woman he was planning to marry, and he confided in a friend. We grew close.”

“Oh, come off it,” she spits at me. She glances at Spencer. “You were always close, and I was always competing with her for your attention.”

“I won't deny that we shared a special friendship,” Spencer says. “But we didn't cross any lines.”

“No?” she demands. “You don't think getting married to your sister’s ex is crossing some sort of line?”

“Not when it was something we both agreed to,” I say with a shrug. It doesn’t matter at this point that neither of us remembers it. We had to have agreed to it. The state of Nevada wouldn't have granted us a marriage license if we didn't both agree to it, never mind the question about being of sound mind. Maybe we were, maybe we weren't, but we're nearly a week into this already, and things are going pretty damn good—barring Amelia’s reaction, anyway.

“How long have you been married?” she asks again, and it's kind of an odd piece of the puzzle for her to be suddenly obsessed with. “How many days?”

“Tuesday,” Spencer says.

“Shit,” she mutters under her breath, and she glances at Nana. “Sorry.” She looks back at us. “What time on Tuesday?”

“What the hell difference does that make?” I ask.

“I just need to know,” she says.

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