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“So, uh…do you want to be my date to my brother’s wedding?” he asks.

“Oh,” I say, a little taken off guard by the question. “Sure, though I’m not sure they’d want me there.”

“They’ll be fine. And thank God my wife agreed to be my date.”

I can’t help but laugh.

He stands and walks over to the dresser, and he picks up a piece of paper. He scans it and reads off the events as he goes. “Looks like I missed today’s tee time, but there’s a dinner scheduled tonight for both sides of the bridal party with a burlesque show to follow.” He glances up at me. “You’re invited to all of the events, obviously.”

Am I, though?

Would Ava really want me there after what happened last night?

“Thanks,” I mumble instead. “Should we find a dry cleaner for the gown and the tux?”

“Already on it. I talked to the front desk, and they had a recommendation. Why don’t we drop that stuff now and go shopping for bridal belts?”

I press my lips together and nod, and we each grab a garment back and head downstairs to catch a ride to the dry cleaner. The driver waits out front for us while we tend to our errands, and the cleaner happens to be in the same strip mall as a bridal store, so we head in there next.

“What a lovely couple,” the woman behind the desk says when we walk in. “I’m Gina. What can I help you with?”

I open my mouth to launch into the whole story, but Spencer beats me to it, keeping things simple.

“We’re looking for a crystal belt and matching veil to make a bridal gown look unique.”

“Of course.” She leads us toward a rack of accessories and shows us a few options, and Spencer chooses three different belts since he has no idea which one Ava will prefer.

“What do you think?” he asks me, holding two of them out while I hold the third in my hand.

I have no idea what Ave prefers, either.

“They’re all beautiful,” I say softly. I wish I was picking this out for myself. I wish I’d chosen my own wedding gown.

I wish a lot of things, but mostly I wish we could have a do-over.

“Then we’ll take all three,” he says.

Gina’s eyes light up as she considers the commission on three crystal belts plus their three matching veils, and she practically runs to the register to take payment before we change our minds.

We do a little more shopping—mostly for me since I only brought two days’ worth of clothes, and I’ll need something nice to wear to the dinners the bride and groom have planned.

We head back to our hotel with our supplies that will hopefully be a start to making things up to Ava, and when we get back to our room, Spencer’s phone starts to ring.

I catch his end of the conversation, curiosity clawing at me as I listen to his words.

“Damn…Holy shit, you can? I knew it was a longshot, but yeah, that would totally work…Yes, of course…I’ll text you the details…I did…Actually, I looked into a suite and just booked one for the whole season, so you’re welcome to any of the home games…”

He booked a suite for the whole season? Where? Why? What?

I wait for him to hang up, and before I plow forward with questions, he glances up at me. His eyes are brighter than they’ve been all day, and I can tell he’s excited before he even opens his mouth to start answering the questions on the tip of my tongue.

“That was Adam Wilson,” he says proudly.

Adam Wilson…Adam Wilson…Adam Wilson.

The name rings a foggy bell, but I have no idea why.

“Is he a football player?” I ask stupidly.

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