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“I get it. I’ve been trying to do that, too, but I haven’t been successful in getting her out of my head.”

“Neither have I,” he admits.

“Want to come up for a drink before you head out?”

He nods. We get out of my car and head toward the building, and I hit the button for the penthouse. I wrestle with what to do with this new information, and I think before I say anything to anyone, I need to touch base with Maggie. It’s the right thing to do. She kept all this a secret from her family for her own reasons, and it’s not my place to expose any of it.

The elevator doors slide open, and my eyes are on my keys in my hand as I flip through them to find the one that opens my door.

When I glance up, I spot the woman sitting on the floor leaning against my door, and all the air is squeezed out of my lungs as a warmth fills my chest.

She’s here.

Chapter 60: Grace Nash

A Chance to Make This Right

Five Months After the Wedding

“What are you doing here?” His voice is cautious as those five words fall from his mouth in the form of a question.

I glance at Asher beside him, and the moment he spots me, he takes a step backward onto the elevator. He waves at me, but he doesn’t otherwise say a word—not even goodbye to his own brother—as the doors slide shut and the elevator carries him down.

Spencer holds out a hand and helps me rise to a stand.

“Can we talk?” I ask. I slip my arms around him for a hug, and my God, does it feel good here. It feels right. It feels like I’m home again after far too long away.

He holds me tightly against him, and I hope against hope that it’s because he’s feeling the same things I am. I spent the entire trip here praying that this will be enough. That I will be enough.

He is everything to me, and I hate that I let my competition with my sister come before that.

He finally draws in a deep breath then lets me go. He unlocks his front door, and he holds it open for me to walk in first, ever the gentleman.

He leans against it after he shuts it, and I turn to face him.

He looks nervous. Wary. Unsure.

But I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.

“I love you, Spencer. I want to be with you. I realized something today when I was talking with Nana, and the second I realized it, I rushed to the airport and got on a plane to talk to you in person. And then I got here, and you weren’t here…” Tears start to fall as that same feeling of devastation rolls through me again.

But he’s here now. He’s here, and I have a chance to make this right.

I suck in a shaky breath as I try to get through this. “Let me back up. Nana had a mini stroke last week, and she—”

“Oh, shit,” he interrupts. “Is she okay?”

I nod. “She’s okay. She’s getting stronger each day, and we’re all keeping a close eye on her. I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer, and then we were taking care of her, and you had a game and—”

“Fuck, Grace,” he says, and he rushes over to grab me in his arms. “I’m so sorry you went through all that alone. I should have been there with you and your dad. For Maggie.”

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.” I rest my cheek on his chest, and I breathe him in. It’s his familiar, clean, soapy scent that just smells like home. It feels like home right here. I always thought the vineyard was home, and it is. But nothing beats the feeling of being in the arms of the man I love.

He clears his throat and pulls back, letting me out of his grasp. “You said you realized something.”

I nod, and I pull it together to get this out. “Right. I realized the vineyard has been my top priority my entire life.”

His face falls a little as he takes a step back, putting a bit of distance between us, and that’s the moment I know Nana hit the nail on the head. He didn’t tell me he wanted out because he doesn’t love me. It was because he needed to feel like I love him. And the fact that he doesn’t know that breaks my heart.

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