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“Oh, Av. I’m sorry. That must be hard for you. Is everything okay with her?” he asks.

I nod. “She’ll be okay.” It’s just that her life is going to get completely flipped upside down, and I think I want that too.

I don’t say any of that.

“I’m right here if you need me, okay?” he says softly.

I glance up at him, and I see the sincerity there.

“I know. Thank you.”

I just hope Kelly has someone besides me in her corner, too.

I hope Austin does the right thing and steps up. But knowing him the way I do, I’m not entirely convinced he will.

Chapter 51: Grayson Nash

The Absolute Worst Possible Thing

One week left until training camp, and I’m trying to soak in every possible second with Ava. I’m also pushing myself harder with our team trainers at the gym next to the Complex since we can’t use our training facility until training camp officially begins.

I’m ready for this new season.

But first, I’m ready for some time with my girl.

Only…she’s busy as fuck.

She’s catering an event this weekend, which means she’s been busy baking when she’s not at Cravings, and she just found out Kelly is definitely moving back to be closer to her parents.

When I asked her why, though, she got all weird and dodgy on me.

Something happened, but she doesn’t want to tell me what.

I don’t press it. She’s stressed as it is, and I don’t want to add to it. I can’t help but wonder if it has something to do with Austin, though.

Her event is this Friday, and she’s losing her shit that she won’t have enough time to get it all done. So I sit on the stool in my kitchen opposite where she’s making her truffles as I ask what I can do to help.

“Sit there and look pretty,” she says.

I laugh, but I do as I’m told.

“Actually, I do need your help with something. Kelly’s moving out by the end of the week, and I’d love to get the rest of my stuff out of there and into here before you leave for camp. Would you mind just grabbing all the clothes in my closet and in my dresser tonight, and then I can go tomorrow and clean out the bathroom stuff and all that Radiance shit from my closet?”

I chuckle as I think about how I didn’t even move my own shit when I came out here. I paid someone to do it. But for her…of course I will. “Yes. How much of the Radiance shit is there?”

“A closetful.” She shrugs. “We had to keep buying products in order to hit the next bonus tier, and I’m just…not a salesperson. Now it’s just sitting in my closet, and I don’t know what to do with it.”

I nod. “Okay. Oh, and I can help move your furniture, too. Want me to head over there now and assess what our needs are?”

“If you don’t mind. I think Kelly’s out. She said she had some people to, uh…to talk to before she leaves town.”

“Some people? Like Austin?” I ask. “He won’t be there, will he?”

“Honestly, Grayson, I have no idea.” She’s rolling her chocolate mixture into little balls, and she seems almost…angry.

“Is something going on with you?” I finally ask.

She sighs, and then she stops rolling her chocolate balls and looks up at me. “Kelly’s moving. I’m sad.” She clears her throat, and it feels like she’s leaving something out. “I have an extra house key in my purse. I’ll let Kelly know you’re on your way over in case she’s home.”

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