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But I want it because he wants it. I don’t want it because of some ploy to win over the media. That’s just…ridiculous.

On the other hand, my stock is rising. People are interested in the woman with Grayson Nash, and they’re interested in my pastries—something I haven’t actually had the chance to tell him just yet.

And if my name is in the news again, that means this little side business I’m sort of starting up without even intending to will potentially also be in the news again, which means I’m another step or two or three closer to that dream bakery I’ve always wanted.

I blow out a breath as I creep toward the stop sign. “I’ll do it.”

He starts to choke, and I can’t help but laugh once I glance over at him and see he’s okay.

“You’ll what?”

“I’ll do it,” I repeat. “Ask me publicly, and I’ll say yes.”

“What? Why? What? You seemed so…pissed off a second ago, and now you’re okay with it?”

“I’m okay with it because of the thing I was excited to tell you that you still haven’t inquired about,” I say. I turn left.

“Oh, uh…right. I’m sorry. I’ve been preoccupied and busy getting into barfights. What was the news you wanted to tell me?” he asks.

“I’ve had three calls asking me to bake for various events since the ball,” I announce rather proudly.

“Holy shit, Av. That’s incredible. Congratulations.”

I smile tightly. “Thanks. I was hoping I could use your kitchen. And, you know…you. For extra hands.”

He nods. “Of course you can. I’m happy to help however I can, even if it’s just to entertain you with sex in between batches.”

I chuckle a little at that. “So, just to be clear…we’re okay? We’re back on the same page?”

“We were never not on the same page, baby. I just needed a minute after Ellie’s big plan. Engagement isn’t a small thing, fake or not. I still am not entirely convinced it’s what I want out of my future after watching my parents go down in flames, you know?”

Disappointment lances through me. I don’t say anything, and he keeps jabbering semi-drunkenly on, oblivious to the fact that I have real feelings pulsing through me.

Scary feelings.

Feelings that I do want that out of my future. I want marriage. I think I want kids—someday. I want it all, and I deserve it all.

But I want it with someone who is seven years older than me, and isn’t sure it’s what he wants.

And I have no idea how to be on the same page when I’m not even sure we’re reading the same book.

Chapter 50: Ava Maxwell

A Lot Can Happen in Three Weeks

He hasn’t gotten in trouble for the fight, though Lincoln called him in for a chat the morning after the fight happened. I guess Austin was there, too, and Lincoln made them work it out.

I’m not convinced they actually worked it out, but Grayson said they’re good, so I’ll take him at his word. Guy drama is different from girl drama, and maybe they really are fine. They sort of have to be ahead of the upcoming season.

I’ve been staying at Grayson’s for the last few days, and I haven’t been home to touch base with Kelly. I head that way after work on Thursday since I need some more clothes, and I cross my fingers that she’s home alone so we can chat…even though I’m nervous for this particular chat.

I get my wish. She’s on the couch watching a game show when I walk in, and she looks calm and relaxed since it’s summer break. She still teaches summer school classes, but it’s low-key and fewer hours than her usual workload.

“Hey Kel,” I say, and she hops up and turns to face me.

“Avelina Marie! Where have you been?”

I offer a tight smile as I walk over and give her a hug. “Sorry. I’ve been either working or with Grayson. Can we talk?”

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