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But that’s not the point here.

The point is that Ellie’s suggestion is making me think about things I’ve never thought about before. And it’s not giving me the warm fuzzies.

Instead, it’s scaring the fuck out of me.

I saw what marriage did to my parents. Sure, they had a lot of good years together. But ultimately, it ended—just like everything in life does. My dad has a penchant for fucking up everything good in his life. Guess who inherited that unfortunate gene?

“You still there, Grayson?” Ellie asks.

I clear my throat. “Uh, yeah. Sorry. I, um…I like to give back to the community. I’m passionate about football and fostering the next class of players. I’m more the kind of guy who prefers to give motivational locker room speeches than who runs kids camps, but I’m happy to donate and help with others’ causes, too.”

“Okay. I can work with all of that. Thanks, Gray. Think about my idea, and I’ll be in touch.”

We hang up, and I stare into space as our conversation punches me in the gut.

And then I get the sudden, ominous feeling like this is the beginning of the end.

Chapter 49: Ava Maxwell

Frozen Broccoli Will Do

I suggested dinner with my brother and Rachel on Sunday night while they were still here, but Grayson had some appearance he had to do.

He didn’t invite me along.

I went to dinner with Beckett, Rachel, and the girls solo.

Maybe Grayson was tired of putting on the act with them or something. He was a little distant at the charity ball, and it seems like he’s been ultra busy over the last two days.

Maybe it’s my imagination.

Or maybe having Beck here made him feel just how real this has gotten for both of us.

We haven’t talked about the viral video. He hasn’t brought it up, and I haven’t, either. But it’s the elephant in the room.

Of course I saw it, but I also saw that he was talking to my brother. Of course he had to say that to him. I just can’t imagine why he’d say it loud enough to be caught on camera, and worse, I can’t imagine who would’ve posted it.

Someone who’s trying to hurt Grayson, for sure, and maybe even someone who’s trying to hurt me.

The only thing I can come up with is some jilted ex, but as far as I know, Grayson doesn’t have any of those.

So I’m back to square one.

I’ve fielded three calls so far since the ball asking if I can cater private parties, and all the attention is exciting—but it’s also going to keep me incredibly busy.

I don’t want to turn anyone down.

I need a bigger kitchen. I need help.

Now that Beckett and his family are on their way to Hawaii, I’m thinking it’s time to move back into Grayson’s place.

But he hasn’t invited me.

They just left this morning, and I thought we were beyond the point where I’d need an invitation.

Still, it feels awkward to show up without one. I decide to text him and fish for one.

Me: Hope you had a good Monday. Beck is on his way to Hawaii, and I miss you. And I have some exciting news.

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