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This is what I told people to keep them from asking how I was able to afford this house. Of course, with the money from both jobs, it was usually a no-brainer for people to assume that I had saved my money until I could buy it in cash. Things had, at one point, been that simple.

“I imagine the money’s good if you’re reliable,” Jade mused.

“It must be if he’s still doing both jobs,” Maria continued.

My food finished in the microwave. For the sake of not appearing rude or flippant, I sat down at the counter. And mentally braced myself. It appeared that Maria was not going to heed whatever warning Jade had given her about my attitude.

“It is money enough in this economy,” I said.

Chapter ten

Ten: Jade

Money enough, he said, but the look on his face told me that he was sick of talking to us. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought that he would entertain the conversation. To know that he was extending that courtesy to Maria warmed my heart a little, but it still hurt that he would hardly acknowledge me if I was here alone with him. What made Maria different?

“Have you told him yet, Jade?” Maria looked at me.

I shook my head. He had only just arrived home, and she had started asking the questions as soon as he showed any interest in staying to have a discussion with us.

“I’ll handle that discussion, Maria,” I replied. “Just… go easy. Please.”

Jesse raised an eyebrow, looking between the two of us. He swallowed whatever was in his mouth. He opened his mouth to say something, but Maria cut him off.

“So, how long have you been a firefighter?”

“Long enough to have burn scars on my hands and long enough that I’m thinking I’ve had enough,” Jesse finally said. He let his fork clatter to the plate and looked daggers at Maria.

“You could’ve just said ‘five years’ or whatever,” Maria pointed out. She looked at me. “Does he talk to you like that too?”

I could tell I needed to step in before things escalated.

“Maria. Enough. Let him decompress. He’s clearly had a schedule change, and he’s clearly angry about something,” I said as I put my plate in the sink.

“You’re right about that, Jade.”

His flippant nod punctuated the end of the statement.

“Well.” Maria pursed her lips. “That’s certainly an unimpressive attitude.”

“Maybe I just want to be able to relax after getting home from such strenuous activities,” Jesse half-yelled as he took the rest of what was on his plate into the master bedroom.

I sighed.

“And this is what you have to live with? I think I see why the rent was so cheap,” Maria thought out loud as the door slam echoed in the kitchen. “If he knew he wasn’t going to do well with someone else in the house, why rent out the top floor and let you treat the rest of the house like you own it, too?”

“I have no idea, Maria,” I said softly. “But please. Just because that’s what he’s like tonight doesn’t mean that’s what he’s like all the time.”

Maria gave me a look; one I knew well from the many hours of classwork we had done together. She didn’t buy it.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I guess I just have bad timing,” Maria eventually said. “But, Jade, I would seriously look into a high-yield savings account. Let that money sit, gather the interest, and get your own apartment or something. Because, yikes. Is he even safe to live with? I mean, this is not great behavior.”

“I’ll be all right, Maria. I promise,” I said. “I think he’s just used to being a bit of a hermit. Now, as far as the rest of what I wanted to tell him goes, I’ll do my best to say it before we see him tomorrow, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

“Well, you’re just trying to be nice. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, and you’ve done all that you can about it.” Maria shrugged.

I laughed a little.

“If you’re done, then we can get started on these dishes, and then, it’s time for a good night’s rest.”

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