Page 67 of Steamy Ever After

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By Mimi Flood



“What do you mean, you’re leaving?” I snap.

“I get that you’re mad, Jane, but?—”

“Mad? Mad? Of course I’m mad. Why wouldn’t I be mad?”

Gaby drops her head, playing with one of her long red braids. “And I understand, but this was an opportunity I couldn’t miss. Jobs like this don’t fall into my lap every day.”

“No, I know that.” I nibble on my lower lip, clenching my fists to keep my hands from shaking, and glare at my roommate. “I’m happy for you. Really, I am. But you can’t leave in the middle of the month without warning. How am I supposed to cover next month’s rent? How will I even find a roommate?”

“I’ll give you the money for next month.” Gaby rubs my arm and offers me a lopsided grin. “And you don’t need to find a roommate. I found you one.”

My forehead creases, but Gaby’s smile, and resulting dimples, charm their way into my heart.

“Don’t you dare pull that trick on me,” I say, darting my gaze away.

She reaches for my hand, but I tug it back to my lap.

“Come on, sweetie.” She bats her eyelashes, her gorgeous hazel eyes round like saucers. “Don’t be mad. Pweeease.”

Her pleading voice cracks my frustration, but I refuse to give in so easily this time around.

“Don’t do that, Gaby. I’m pissed. This is a big deal.”

“I know and I’m really, really sorry.”

I cross the living room to stare out the window at the park five floors below. “Will I at least get to come visit you in Greece?”

“Absolutely! We’ll go out for ouzo and meet some…” She stops, pulling out her phone, her thumbs flying across the screen. “Kaftés ántres.”

“What does that mean?”

“Hot men.”

We both laugh and my shoulders loosen. “Well, you’ll need to work on that accent or those ántres won’t reciprocate.”

I sit on the window ledge, tucking a large, blue cushion into my lap. Gaby joins me, the sun turning her eyes golden and bringing out light freckles that dot her cheeks beautifully. Unlike hers, my freckles don’t make me prettier, they only overpower my too-long face.

“So, who’s this roommate you’ve found? Is she a friend?”

Gaby’s eyes stay focused on the delivery truck on the street below and her brow sinks. She bites the inside of her cheek before answering. “They’re a friend, yes.”

My stomach drops. “Gaby…”

“His name is Joe Miller. He’s Will’s friend.”

“Him being your brother’s friend isn’t a plus.” I shake my head, crossing my arms.

“Okay, I agree, but don’t worry. I’ve known Joe for a while. He just broke up with his girlfriend and Will said he needs a place to stay while he gets his shit together. I figured it would be the perfect fit.”

I cock my head and sigh. “I’m not seeing what makes this perfect.”

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