Page 58 of Steamy Ever After

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His hand relaxes over mine as his thumb begins to slide in a gentle circular motion over and over against my skin. “I know I said I didn’t want to talk about work, but I hope this isn’t how you’re planning on showing up to your interview.” My face scrunches in contempt as he chuckles. “Not that I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate your gorgeous legs.”

My eyes fly open as they whip in his direction. “Of course I’m not showing up to my interview like this! Do you think I have no common sense?”

He shrugs, his expression one of mischief, his hand lifting off mine as he splays them out in front of me in defense. “Okay, okay. Don’t get all huffy. I was just asking. Wanted to make sure you have all the bases covered.”

“My interview isn’t until tomorrow. We don’t even land until five o’clock. How would I ever squeeze that in this afternoon?” I throw back at him in defense.

“Oh, yes, that’s right.” He nods. “I forgot about the time difference. The loss of three hours flying west to east.”

“If you must know, I have a fabulous Dolce & Gabbana suit for my interview,” I huff out, sitting up straighter.

“Ah, so you do have money.” He leans in, a satisfied look on his face because he believes he’s solved some deep, dark secret of mine.

“Because I own a nice suit?” I lift my chin in contempt. “I bought it at a second-hand consignment store if you must know.”

“I bet you look like a million bucks in it.” There’s a gleam in his eyes as they traverse over my frame once again.

Is he flirting with me or trying to infuriate me? I’m about to respond, but he interjects, pointing a finger toward my window. “Look, you can see the entire coast line. Isn’t it beautiful?” I turn to look at the view, gratitude warming my insides as I realize every thing he just did was a distraction from the take-off. And it worked. Like a charm. I nod then look back at him. “Thank you.”

He shrugs, glancing up the aisle as the pilot’s voice sounds overhead with an announcement. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Captain Hanson, manning the controls up here in the cockpit as we wing our way to the Big Apple. We’re currently at eleven thousand feet, but I’ll be bringing us up to a cruising altitude of thirty-three. Smooth skies are expected for the entire flight, so sit back, enjoy yourselves, and let your flight attendants know if you need anything. I’ll see you on the ground in a few hours.”

His head turns back to me. “Want another drink?”

“I better not.” I tilt my head toward the overhead compartment. “I should grab my laptop and do a little more research for my interview tomorrow.”

“I thought we agreed not to talk about work?” he rebuts, his smile evaporating.

Groaning through a gritted smile, I counter, “I know, I know, but I need to make sure I’m prepared for every scenario. This is a really big deal for me.”

“Okay, how about a compromise then?” He darts a glance to the front of the plane then back at me. “They’re going to serve us our breakfast within the next couple minutes, so trying to work will be impossible anyway. Have another drink, some breakfast, maybe watch a movie, and I promise, the last two hours of the flight, I’ll help you prepare.”

“And how exactly are you going to do that?” I arch a brow.

He chuckles in that low, sexy way that makes my insides stir. “I’m not just a handsome face. I’m a pretty savvy businessman as well. I’ll drill you with every question they could throw your way, and when you answer, I’ll tell you how to answer even better.”

“That’s your compromise?” I challenge, my mind running with various scenarios of the next five hours; more drinks, more flirting, movie snuggling, intense questioning, no questioning, more flirting.

“Do you have a better idea?” he quips, his dimple appearing again.

Mile high club? I shake that thought away but feel my cheeks heating anyway. “You promise you’ll help me prep?”

“Scout’s honor.” He lifts his hand in a three-finger salute, his expression one of complete seriousness.

I laugh, throwing my hands up in defeat. “Okay, you win.”

“Yes!” he exclaims, his face lighting up. He lifts a hand to wave to the first-class attendant, requests another round, then turns back to me. “So, what kind of movies do you like?”

We spend the next hour talking, eating, drinking, talking some more, and then finally decide on a movie. We pick a comedy, staying away from romance and my request for nothing scary. My head is light and fuzzy from all the bubbly I’ve been drinking, and about halfway through the movie, I feel myself doze off. I’m not certain how long I’ve been asleep when I feel something warm brush against my cheek, my eyes springing to life.

“Wake-up, sleeping beauty.” Sparkling green irises stare into my bleary ones, and I blink, making sure I’m not in a dream as my gaze drifts to his perfectly puffy lips. I swipe my tongue over my own, the urge to kiss him overwhelming. I lean forward just as he begins to speak, snapping me to my senses. “You fell asleep.”

I bolt upright, wiping a hand over my hair, then my face, hoping I don’t look like a complete mess. “I guess I’m a bit of a lightweight,” I joke, trying to cover up my mortification, swiping my fingers under my lashes, hoping to remove any stray mascara that may have wept as I slept. “Do I look awful?”

“You look like an angel.” My heart stutters as I absorb the way the edges of his eyes crinkle when he smiles. He extends a crystal tumbler in my direction. “Here, drink this. It’s just some seltzer. It will refresh you.”

“Thank you.” I take the glass from him and sip from the edge, bubbles popping under my nose as cool liquid slides down my throat. Before I can come up with another blubbering response, he speaks.

“We’ve got about ninety minutes left until we land. Did you still want me to drill you with questions for your interview?”

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