Page 5 of Steamy Ever After

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I rip her skimpy lace panties off and while my fingertips dig into the flesh of her hips, I growl into her neck, “Beg me.”

I feel her pussy gush against my thigh; I know she left her honey on my jeans and that gets my dick impossibly harder. She doesn’t hesitate to beg, “Please fuck me, Blake. I need you.”

Thank fuck. I lift her up as I struggle to release my cock from my jeans. Her legs wrap around me as I position the head of my cock at her hot entrance and mercilessly slam into her balls deep.

“Fuck!” she screams out and throws her head back against the brick wall. She’s so damn hot and tight. The sight of her being consumed by pleasure with her eyes half-lidded and plump lips parted in ecstasy is the sexiest thing I’ve ever fucking seen. I pause for just a second to let her adjust to my size and feel her clench around my dick. Fuck yeah. Her pussy feels like heaven as she tries to milk my cock with her orgasm.

I pound into her little pussy and she tries to quiet her screams by biting her lip, but she’s failing miserably. As much as I want to hear her cry out while I destroy her pussy, I don’t want any of those fuckers coming out here to watch. She’s mine. “Bite my shoulder.” She immediately clamps down on me and that bit of pain combined with her pulsing pussy is almost enough to make me cum already. I have to fight hard not to give in just yet. I haven’t had enough and I’ve got to give her more.

Her heels dig into my ass, begging me to take her harder. So I do just that. I’m rutting into her with a primal need. We’re both panting as I keep a steady pace and move my hand to her clit, pressing down ruthlessly as I feel her body start to shake. I know she’s going to be quick again and I love how damn responsive she is. She’s so fucking wet I can feel her arousal dripping down to my balls. The sounds of me pounding into her wet pussy make me fuck her harder, racing to my climax.

She releases my shoulder just enough to beg me breathlessly, “Please, Blake.” Her panted plea takes me over the edge and I bite down hard on her neck while slamming into her to the hilt and pinching her clit.

She screams into my neck before biting down on my shoulder with such force that I know she draws blood. The pain makes me cum even more, filling her tight pussy until it’s leaking out of her.

As I come down from my orgasm, I hear the door to the clubhouse open.


How the hell can I bring her into the clubhouse, into my world knowing the danger I’ll be putting her in? I move my forehead from hers, hearing her little pants as her aftershocks settle and her eyes pierce into mine; it’s too late. She’s mine now. I’m not letting her go.


“Idon’t know, Pres.” I answer Linc honestly while I look through the office window across the clubhouse at Marie. She’s at the bar with Blake and he’s practically pissing circles around her. He’s marking his territory like he’s going to make her his old lady.

There are a few women lingering, but they look nothing like Marie. Most of them are desperate for attention and clinging onto anyone they can. It’s never bothered me before, but seeing Marie all calm in Blake’s embrace with an air of confidence and ease surrounding her … Well, I want that. Remembering the sounds of her begging, I adjust my hardening dick and hold back my groan.

In the clubhouse we’re used to hearing and seeing all manner of fucking. But damn, hearing Blake pound into her … If I weren’t worried about Blake and what the hell he’s doing, I’d have made my presence known and helped her get off. And then again. I press my lips into a thin line, wondering how Blake would’ve acted. I glance back up at them and his arm is around her shoulder while he whispers in her ear. My eyes fall to the floor.

“He’d be stupid to bring someone from his past around. He knows the risk.” I clench my teeth at Linc’s words.

I speak up, “I didn’t take him for a piece of shit who’d risk a girl like that.” Looking back at Linc, I can tell that thought pisses him off too. It’d be fucked up to put your girl in danger. Especially when you’re an undercover cop infiltrating an MC.

Why the hell would he think it’s safe to get a girl? If his cover was blown–even though we already know–he would have to know that we’d use her against him. Not that we would, but some other clubs might. He shouldn’t have taken the risk. I look back at Pres while he’s nodding his head at my words. “I swear to God it looked like he was up to no good the way she was fighting him. No way I would’ve guessed they were just fucking around.” I have to admit that a possessive hold ran through me when I saw that shit. I grabbed onto her like a damn lifeline while I stared my partner down. I would’ve knocked his ass out if I’d let go of her. I shake my head, not knowing what the fuck that feeling running through me is all about.

“None of this matches what we know about him.” Linc’s words come out hard and I can tell that he isn’t happy that we didn’t know this shit about Blake. He’s like my brother. If he wasn’t a cop, I’d put my life on the line for him. Shit, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t risk my life for him now. Even knowing he’s lied straight to my face. The thought makes me clench my fists tighter, turning my knuckles white. I can’t help that it fucking hurts.

When he first came to us, it was like tryouts. Not that he knew. His superior sent him to us so we could see if we wanted him. If not, he’d call him off. We’ve had Roger in our back pocket for a while now. He told us Blake was a former marine and sniper.

Hell yeah we could use someone with his skills. Having him onboard has made deliveries run a lot smoother. Motherfuckers don’t mess with you when they know they’d fall to the ground dead before their men even got their weapons out. One asshole thought he’d pull a gun on us once, fucker got a bullet in his hand before he could pull it completely out of his holster. Word gets around. Having Blake has made everything a piece of cake for the past two years. Linc’s been talking about making Blake sergeant at arms for over a year now. He fucking deserves it. Except that he’s a goddamn cop.

His first week, I fucked up. We’re supposed to keep a low profile when we have a new prospect around, especially one that could rat us out. An asshole who wanted into the club, not even a fucking candidate yet, started smacking around one of the women. That’s not something you do in our clubhouse.

She told him no and for some reason he seemed to forget what no meant. My dad didn’t know what no meant either, and I got a little carried away remembering all that shit. Especially when I saw the prick backhand her so hard across the face, her lip split and she fell to the ground. I was drunk and angry. No one tried to hold me back though. They knew that asshole had it coming. I didn’t stop smashing him into the wall until I heard his head crack. Didn’t kill him though, just sent him into a coma. I used to have some anger issues. I’m a bit better now. A tiny bit. I was sorry for all of five minutes until Pinch told me the guy was wanted in another state for beating his last girlfriend into the ER.

Anyway, we kept waiting to hear back from Roger. Blake saw the whole thing. Helped us clean up and get rid of the prick’s unconscious ass. It was only a matter of time before he said something. But weeks passed and nothing, not a fucking peep. We even told Roger to question him specifically on any violent activity. Blake never said a damn word about it. Confused the hell out of me. I liked the fucker right off the bat, but I didn’t trust him.

I snicker at the thought–how the fuck could I trust a cop? I couldn’t help but to question Blake about it. I asked him what he thought about what happened. He said he was glad it was me who’d grabbed the asshole because he didn’t know if he’d have been able to stop. It’s been a little more than a year and a half since then. Every day I like the fucker more but it pisses me off that he hasn’t told us the truth. Some days I swear I just want to ask him outright and see if he’d lie straight to my face.

I stare down at the papers again. One for him and the new one, still hot from the printer, is hers. “You got her name from her ID, Pinch?”

“Yeah, too fucking easy to grab it. I gotta figure out how to put it back though. Blake’s not budging an inch now that they’re inside.” I snort at his response and look back down at the papers. His words run through me again. Not sharing this one. A scowl grows on my face.

“Nothing links them. Not a damn thing.” I shake my head. She’s got to be a new girl. No way she’s someone from his past. But no way she’s a cop either. Pinch is damn good at what he does and if he says she’s legit, then she’s legit.

“He said they started seeing each other a few weeks ago?” Pres asks again.

“Technically, she did.”

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