Page 411 of Steamy Ever After

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If I can get out, maybe one of the neighbors will hear me scream. Maybe they’ll call the cops or come running with their shotguns. Everyone is armed. Back in Redlands, that’s something I would find concerning. In Peace Springs, it’s commonplace.

I gain another two feet, drawing Scott into the living room.

“Who the fuck were you with?” Scott plants his feet and looks down the hall leading to my uncle’s bedroom.

“Scott…” My voice waivers.

My gut tells me to lie. That I wasn’t out with anyone, but Scott will know the lie on my tongue.

Besides, I’m positive he heard Drake and I say our goodbyes on the porch. I’m certain he saw everything.

If he’s been here for hours, he watched Drake’s truck pull up to the curb. He saw Drake give me a hand out of the truck. He noticed the way our fingers twined together as we held hands walking to the front door.

“You need to leave.” I try rolling my shoulders back and stiffening my spine. Interjecting strength into my position, however, does nothing.

“You’re coming with me.” Scott glances around the living room, weighing options, finding weapons to beat me with.

His eyes glaze over with his inebriation. His emotions magnify, turning his anger into something deadly.

Too many times, this man made me fear for my life. Too many times, he decided to beat some sense into me. Too many times, I wound up in the emergency room.

My injuries included cracked ribs, concussions, abdominal bruising, black eyes, and one orbital rim fracture. All courtesy of Scott’s fists.

My hand drifts up to the old injury as the memory of that night returns. I slide my right foot back.

“Don’t.” His low growl freezes me in my tracks. “Don’t you dare run from me.”


“You need to leave.” Again, I try to inject strength into my voice.

Once more, I fail.

“Oh, I’m going to leave.” Scott takes two menacing steps toward me. “And you’re coming with me.”

I back away.

He rushes me, closing the distance. Fingers digging into my arm with punishing force, Scott grabs me.

I instinctively jerk, trying to free myself. He clamps down and pulls me off my feet. I slam into him and bounce off his hard chest.

“Abby?” My uncle’s frail voice sounds from his room at the far end of the hall.

“Let me go!” I pry at Scott’s fingers, but it does nothing.

Scott grabs me by the throat and slams my back against the front door. The wood rattles. The windows shudder. His grip tightens. I gasp, clutching at his fingers with my free hand.

Scott leans in. His features draw back as fury builds in his gaze.

“You. Belong. To. Me.” He crushes his lips against mine. Forcing me to bear a kiss I don’t want.

“Abby?” My uncle’s voice sounds closer, and that’s when I know true fear. If I don’t do what Scott says, he’ll hurt my uncle. He may kill us both.

“Scott, please.” I resort to begging. Anything to get Scott away from my uncle. “I’m sorry.”

“Damn straight, you’ll be sorry.”

“I’ll go.” Tears streak down my cheeks. “I promise. I’ll go.” I sag in his grip, surrendering to my fate. “Please. Let’s go. I’ll go with you.” My attention shifts from Scott’s thunderous gaze to the hall leading back to my uncle’s room. “I promise.”

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