Page 356 of Steamy Ever After

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“It seemed better than running into the moose.”

“Oh, glad you didn’t do that. Deer are bad enough. Plenty of them around here. A deer can take out your bumper, maybe your hood, but a moose? Them suckers can crack an engine block. Kill you and them both. I’m surprised, to be honest. We don’t usually get moose around here. Must’ve been driven out of the mountains by the storm.”

“Oh.” I didn’t realize they were that dangerous.

“You ready to get your car?” Henry asks.

I glance at Drake. I want to head back into that barn. Then, I remember something important.

“I forgot to call my uncle. I told him to expect me late last night, and now I feel horrible.” It didn’t occur to me last night to call. Drake affected me that strongly. Uncle Pete is probably worried sick. “I need to call my uncle and let him know I’m okay.”

“We can call him on the way.” Henry opens the door to his tow rig. I turn when it looks like Drake isn’t going to join me.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Drake shakes his head. “I’d love to, but llamas don’t feed themselves. I need to get them out of the barn and into the field. Besides, Henry will take good care of you.”

“That’s right.” Henry spits the chewed-up piece of straw on the ground. “You visiting town?”

“I’m moving here,” I answer.

The smile on Drake’s face widens. “Now that is good news. I look forward to seeing you around, city girl. We can finish our—discussion another time.”

“Our discussion?”

“The one in the barn.” He gives me a wink.

I pray Henry doesn’t notice the flush in my cheeks.

“Um, y-y-yes,” I stammer, “that would be nice.”

“Well, seeing how you’re new,” Henry says, completely missing the undercurrent of Drake’s comments, “you’ll probably want to stop in at Shelly’s Diner after we get your car sorted. It’s a great place if you’re looking for home-cooked food. Taylor’s grocery is the only place to grab your groceries, but it’s closed on Sundays. If you’re just wanting something quick, you can take a gander at Eddie’s Soda Shoppe.”

“Thank you,” I say to Henry. “I’m new but not a stranger to Peace Springs. I spent my summers here as a girl.”

“Really?” Drake’s smile widens further.

“Yeah, but I haven’t been here in about eight years.”

“Well then,” Drake says, scratching his chin. “Eddie’s is still a great place. A lot of the kids hang out there. Though, if you’re looking for quiet, you probably want to go to Shelly’s Diner. I usually pop in there myself for Sunday dinners.”

Is that an oblique invitation? Dinner will lead to an evening I want, but I’m not sure I should want it. Despite the ache from moments ago, I’m still worried about moving too fast.

As the new town doctor, I might need to rethink getting involved with the first man I meet. I can’t help myself, though. Drake seems to have worked his way under my skin.

“I might just do that.”

Uncle Pete probably has dinner plans, but I’ll find a way to get out of them if it means spending the evening with Drake.

“Take care of my girl.” Drake closes the distance with Henry, and the two men shake hands.

I climb into Henry’s truck, disappointed Drake isn’t able to come, but excited he wants to see me later.

The two men exchange a few words. It looks like Drake is giving directions, which is a good thing. I have no idea where my Jeep might be. Will we even be able to see it?

Henry joins me in the cab and cranks over the diesel engine. “Let’s snag your car out of a ditch, pretty lady.”

I rub my lips, remembering the press of Drake’s mouth against mine. I wave to him as Henry pulls around. Drake stares back, the intensity of his gaze dangerous with the unspoken promise lingering between us.

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