Page 315 of Steamy Ever After

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“Of course. Come on, everybody.” Her father herded everyone from the room and closed the door behind him.

“I almost lost the baby a couple of times, Brodie, so the doctor recommended bed rest. That’s why I’m staying here, with my parents. They’ve been a huge help with the boys, so has Alex.”

“Whatever we need to do, Peyton. I’m with you every step of the way.”

“I’d like to go home,” she told him.

“We can make that happen.”


Brodie’s eyes bored into hers. “When I say every step of the way, I mean everything. Whatever you need or want, I’ll take care of.”

“Let’s go downstairs. We can discuss this later. You may want to take some time to think it over before you jump in with both feet.”

“How long did you think about jumping in when you realized you were pregnant?” he asked.

“If you mean how long did I think about keeping the baby, there was never any question I would.”

“Same for me, sweetheart. No questions, no doubts, no nothing. I love you, Peyton. There are things we need to discuss. We went from no communication at all to me taking you home. There’s a lot in between we didn’t say.”

“You mean there’s a lot I didn’t say,” Peyton challenged him.

“By your actions alone, I’m assuming you want me in your life. For now, I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give.”

She hung her head. “I’m not ready to say the words you want to hear.”

“I’m not pushing, sweetheart, but there is something I need to know.”

“What’s that?”

“Have you forgiven me?” Brodie asked.

Peyton took a deep breath and stared into his eyes. “Forgiven you? No. I knew what we were doing that night, too. You didn’t trick me or manipulate me. I wasn’t intentionally trying to get pregnant, but I didn’t stop you from making love to me without protection. So what’s to forgive? I misunderstood your reaction that night. I hated thinking you regretted what we’d done. I hated you for leaving me too, but that wasn’t what you were doing.”

“It wasn’t. It’s so cliché, but it wasn’t you; it was me.”

“I understand that now. It might be more difficult to leave it behind us and move on with our lives, but there are two things—more, really—that I’ve learned in the last few months. Life is short, and those you love can be taken from you in an instant. I lost Kade, and then I thought I lost you. When I believed I’d lost our baby, I was devastated. I don’t want to waste more precious time, Brodie.”

He lowered his head and brought his lips to hers. He’d dreamed so often of kissing her. Having her in his arms felt like a miracle, but the intimacy of sharing a kiss, one filled with passion and even love, was more than he’d ever expected. If they didn’t stop now, he wouldn’t be able to leave the room without embarrassing himself and everyone else. He pulled away, but held her close.

Peyton sighed. “We should go downstairs.”

“Should I carry you?”

She laughed. “As I told Alex, I’m pregnant, not paralyzed. I can walk. I just need to stay off my feet as much as possible.”


“There they are.” Peyton’s father stood and motioned for her and Brodie to sit on the sofa. “As you can see, the party has grown.”

Between the time her boys woke them and now, Brodie’s mother, father, and Naughton had arrived.

“Our daughter Skye is on the way with her family too, but if it gets to be too much, Peyton, let us know, and we’ll return to the ranch,” Laird told her.

“She’s pregnant too,” Brodie whispered to Peyton. “They’re having a boy.” He rubbed his chest, near his heart. “And we’re having a girl.”

Peyton rested her head against his shoulder and put her arm around Brodie’s waist.

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