Page 308 of Steamy Ever After

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“I said the same thing to my dad, Alex. He’s talking to Stan now. How’d you get here so fast?”

“I was with Maddox.”

“Oh. Is that on again?”

“Not exactly. It’s complicated. By the way, Brodie is coming home today.”

“That’s nice.”

“Yeah, that’s what I figured you’d say. Maddox won’t share what the two of you cooked up. He tells me to stay out of it, and it’ll work itself out.”

“Stop right there. I don’t have anything cooked up with Maddox Butler. He has some twisted idea that Brodie is going to have an epiphany in which he sees the error of his ways, and for some reason, when that happens, I’ll forgive him.”

“Would you?”

“It isn’t about me forgiving him, Alex. He left me. Even if he tells me he’s sorry, what difference would it make? He left. It’s something he can apologize for, but he can’t change what made him leave in the first place.”

“Maybe he was scared.”

“You wanna know what really happened, Alex? We had sex, and when we were done having sex, Brodie apologized for it. He regretted having sex with me. He regretted it so much he left the country. He didn’t come out and say it specifically, but the part he probably regretted the most was having unprotected sex with me. And sure enough, his worst fear is coming true. That sex he felt so sorry about resulted in a pregnancy. Do you think there’s a chance in the world I would accept he didn’t regret it the way he told me and Maddox that he did? And why? Because I’m pregnant? Or maybe he’ll look at me and decide he has to do the right thing. God, it makes me sick to think about it.”

“I didn’t know.”

“No, you didn’t. Do you have any idea how ashamed I am to know a man found me that distasteful?”

“No, Peyton. I’m so sorry.”

“Now that you know the whole story, I’m sure you understand how it would be impossible for me to ever talk to Brodie Butler again, let alone forgive him. What the hell is there to forgive him for?”

When Peyton began to cry, Alex reached to hug her.

“Don’t. Don’t touch me, Alex. Don’t pity me. Don’t feel sorry for me.”

“I don’t pity you, Peyton. I’m sorry you’ve gone through this alone. That’s all. I wish I would’ve known sooner.”

Peyton rested her head on Alex’s shoulder. “I have far worse things to worry about than Brodie Butler. Right now, the evil bastard I have to figure out how to get rid of is Lang Becker.”


“Ihate you,” Brodie spat at Maddox.

“Right back at ya, brother.”

“Broderick Laird Butler! You dinnae speak to your brother that way,” their mother shouted.

“Fucker,” Brodie mumbled under his breath.

“I’d watch it if I were you, Brode,” said Maddox.

“You’re not me, and I’m sick of this game you’re playing.”

“No games. What you did to Peyton is all on you.”

“What do you mean, Maddox?”

“Sorry, but stay out of this, Ma. I don’t mean any disrespect to you or Da, but Brodie has to figure out his relationship with Peyton all on his own, with no interference from anyone. Do you understand me?”

Brodie couldn’t believe his eyes. His mother, the one capable of actually breathing hellfire and brimstone, curled her shoulders forward and walked away in defeat.

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