Page 305 of Steamy Ever After

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“I’d ask about your relationship with her, but I doubt that’s why you were watching me sleep.”

“You’re right. That wasn’t the reason,” Maddox said.

“What can I do for you?”

“They moved Brodie out of the ICU and into a regular room late yesterday afternoon. It looks like they’re going to be able to save his toes.”

“Frostbite?” she asked.

“Yeah. Listen, I promised myself I wouldn’t do this, but here I am anyway.”

“You sure you want to make a pregnant woman angry again?” Peyton said to Maddox.

“The thing I said a couple of days ago, about Brodie regretting what had happened between you two. That’s the part that bothers you, isn’t it?”

“How would you feel if I told you Alex regretted her time with you? Come on, this is obvious.”

“What if she didn’t regret our time together? What if she regretted how she handled something? That would be different.”

“Of course it would be. However, if Brodie regrets how he handled leaving, that wouldn’t be different at all. At least not how I’d feel about it.”

When the nurse came in to see if Peyton needed anything, she asked for more ice water and a wheelchair.

“Where to?” Maddox asked when the nurse set the water on the bedside table and left the wheelchair near the door to her room.

“You don’t have to push me. I can get around on my own.”

“Yes, Peyton, I’m aware of that. Where to?” Maddox asked.

She huffed. “You’re so much like your brother.”

“Thank you.”

She looked up at him. “Aren’t you going to ask which one?”

“Nah. I like all of them.”

Peyton smiled. “You’re sweet.”

“Shh. Don’t let that get out.”

“I want to go look at the babies. What if that gets out?” she asked.

“Damn, even worse.”

Maddox pushed her over to the nursery window and grabbed a chair out of one of the nearby rooms.

“Do they let you hold them?” he asked.

“No. I think they look for volunteers in the NICU, but you have to go through a bunch of training to hold the preemies.”

“I’m lost, but before you offer to explain, I’m good not knowing. ‘No’ was enough of an answer for me.”

“The nurse told me you were down the hall, looking at the babies with a guy that looked like a lumberjack,” said Alex, walking up to them. “Had to see it with my own eyes. Is that really Maddox Butler checking out babies?”

“Hi, Alex.” Maddox stood and offered her his chair, but she waved him off and leaned down to kiss Peyton’s cheek instead.

“How’s our girl today?”

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