Page 288 of Steamy Ever After

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“I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.”

“Sit at the bar. There are a few new dishes I want to try out on you. You’re still good for eating, right?”

Brodie reached over and swatted her behind. “Watch it.”

Dominique laughed and closed the suite door behind her.

He had a full day of meetings ahead of him, but after talking to Dominique most of the night, he needed sleep. He checked his phone. Six in the morning, no messages, no texts. If he was lucky, he’d sleep two or three hours without dreaming about Peyton.

“Go home.” Dominique stood behind Brodie and rubbed his shoulders. “And by home, I don’t mean the hotel.”

“I can’t. I’m in the valley tomorrow, and then in Mendocino on Saturday.”

“How far north are you runnin’?”

“Oregon. Maybe Washington.”

Dominique sat next to him at the bar. “Brodie, go home. Talk to her.”

“It’s over, sweetheart.” He hated the sound of his own voice.

“It isn’t.”

“You talk to her or somethin’?” he asked.

“Now, there’s an idea.”


“I’m kidding. Can you imagine? ‘Hi, Peyton. This is Dominique, the woman whose bed Brodie ran to when you dumped him…’”

He wouldn’t say it out loud, but she was right. He wanted to go home. Not to a hotel, and not to the ranch. He wanted to go home to Peyton. How he could feel this way after a little over a week with her and yet not sink into the comfort of a woman he’d known for years, he didn’t understand.

“You’re a mess.”


“I know I’ve been teasing you, Brodie. But I’m not anymore. I’m serious. Go talk to her. I’ve known you a long time, and I’ve never seen you like this. You’re in love with her.”

“Do you not remember anything we talked about last night? She was with Kade, Dominique. She actually told me I’d never measure up to him.”

“My guess is that’s not what she meant.”

“I was there. You weren’t. I didn’t misunderstand.” Brodie stood and threw some money on the bar. “See ya, Dominique.”

“Don’t leave in a huff.”

“I’m not. I don’t feel like talking about it anymore. I’ll be in touch.” He didn’t slam the door on his way out, but he thought about it.

He wasn’t mad at Dominique. She only wanted the best for him. He was mad at Kade. If Kade hadn’t been involved with Peyton, if he hadn’t died, Brodie wouldn’t be feeling as though he was breaking in two again, like he did when his dad called to tell him his oldest brother was gone. The heartache he felt was different, but it hurt equally as bad.


Rather than go inside, Peyton circled around and went down to the beach. Brodie was gone. She’d heard his car speed off, and her ear had followed the sound of the powerful engine as he turned onto the highway and drove away.

It was time she got her head on straight and lived the life she’d made for herself. She liked her independence, and her relationship with Kade had allowed her to hang onto it. For eight weeks, he’d be with her, and then for the same amount of time, he’d be gone. The first few days had always been difficult, but once she’d gotten past waking up at night and reaching for him, her life returned to the comfortable rhythm she and her boys had shared since Lang left them.

Jamison and Finn had no recollection of their father, living with them or otherwise. She had photos stashed away and was willing to talk about him if they ever asked, but so far they hadn’t.

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