Page 260 of Steamy Ever After

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“I’ll call him,”


“You can leave now. I’m okay. My momentary lapse into madness is over.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m fine, Alex. I’m not coming in tonight, but I’m fine.”

“If you said you were going to, I wouldn’t let you.”

“My car…”

“I’ll have your dad or Addy follow me over before it gets busy with the Saturday night crowd.”

“Thanks, Alex. I want you to know I appreciate everything you did for me today—even though I was a colossal bitch about it.”

“Yeah, if I suddenly went bonkers and started seeing the ghost of my father, you’d do the same for me.”

Peyton laughed out loud. “Yeah, I would.”

She waited until Alex drove off before picking up her cell to call Brodie. He answered before she even heard it ring.

“Hi. I’ve been worried about you.”

“I’m really tired. How’s your mom?”

“She’ll be fine. It was only?—”

“Alex told me.” Peyton didn’t want to hear the same words Kade had spoken to her earlier from Brodie.

“Alex said you slept most of the morning. Are you feeling okay?”

“Not really.”

“What’s going on with you, Peyton? You’re not smiling.”

That made her smile. It was one of his superpowers. And maybe Kade’s superpower was returning from the dead.

“Can I come over?”

“That isn’t a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“I need some space. Last night was…”

“Mind-blowing. Otherworldly. That’s what you said earlier.”

“It was a mistake, Brodie. I was in love with your brother, and that isn’t something I can shut off. I’m sorry, but we can’t continue seeing each other.”

“Don’t go there, Peyton. Don’t let his memory come between us. Kade is gone, and I’m here, and this thing we have is something special. I feel it everywhere—my head, my heart, and the rest of my body.”

“It’s wrong, and I can’t do it. Bye, Brodie.”

Peyton disconnected the call and returned to the bedroom, deciding she should wash the sheets. It was another warm day, so even though it was five in the afternoon, she could still open some windows and air her room out.

Once the bedding was in the washer, she cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen. As long as she was stuck here, she might as well make good use of the time.

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