Page 15 of Steamy Ever After

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“I know you do; I do too.”

I nod my head at him. “I fucked up. I know I did.” I breathe out deep and say, “I don’t know if I wanna share her.” I shake my head and admit, “I don’t want to scare her off.”

“Let me go with you.” He takes a step forward. “I think she wants it.”

I quirk a brow at him. “Why do you think that?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “It won’t hurt to see, right? If I’m wrong, I’ll back off.”

I consider what he’s saying. Obviously I’m doing a shit job of keeping her if I can’t even hold onto her for one night. We’ve shared women before and they fucking loved it. This will be different obviously, since we don’t want to let her go. “You really think we can keep her?”

He grins back at me as he says, “Hell yeah! I know we can make our kitten happy.” He rubs his jaw and says, “You got me pretty good.”

An asymmetric smile pulls on my lips as I point out, “You fucking had it coming.”

He belts out a deep laugh.

“I swear to God if this scares her off, I’m taking you in the ring tomorrow.”

“It’s not gonna fucking happen. Marie’s gonna be rubbing our shoulders while we fuck up the Rogue MC.”

“Bunch of pussies.” I shake out my shoulders and suck the blood off one of my knuckles. “I probably shouldn’t have hit you.”

He shrugs again and then gives me a devilish grin. “Probably not. Your face looks like shit.”


“What the fuck happened to your neck?” Lexi stares at me from her seat behind the wheel, mouth open in shock.

“Blake happened to my neck. He’s a fucking prick.” Tears are still lingering in my eyes. I ran out of the clubhouse as fast as I could and waited on the corner for her, feeling like a cheap hooker. The cold, fresh air helped calm me down though.

“What happened? Are you alright?” I shake my head. I’m so fucking stupid. It’s been a year since I split from Vinny. I finally decide to sleep with someone and it has to be a biker who probably won’t even care that I’m gone. I cover the marks on my neck with my hand and stare out into the night. He’s probably already in bed with that blonde. I hope that bitch doesn’t let him cum. I snort at the thought.


I’m not that kind of girl anyway. I’m not the girl that hooks up with a biker, gets nailed in public and dreams of threesomes with his sexy friend. Well, tonight I might have been that kind of girl. But it’s over. My stupid heart clenches, wishing it wasn’t.

“I decided to get laid and now I regret it.” I look straight ahead as she goes right through a stop sign. She didn’t even try to brake. “What the fuck, Lexi?”

“What?” She stares at me with wide eyes, not paying an ounce of attention to the road.

“Eyes on the road! You blew through that stop sign!”

“Oh shit.” She lifts her ass up to look in the rearview mirror. Probably checking for cops. I gape at her. “Whatever, it’s not like we’re gonna get pulled over.”

“What the hell is wrong with you tonight? You don’t show up? You don’t answer my texts? You’re driving like a fucking maniac!”

“Sorry.” She runs her hands through her hair, taking both off the wheel for a second too fucking long. She grips the wheel and looks out her window before taking a deep breath and looking straight ahead. Her voice lowers and a sad frown pulls her pouty lips down as she says, “It’s just been a fucked up day.” Her response softens my heart and suddenly I don’t give a shit about anything other than what’s got her looking so upset.

“What happened?” I feel a need to protect her. Lexi’s naïve and gets her heart hurt a lot. I have a bad feeling her day’s gone to shit because of her ass of an ex. She purses her lips and shakes her head before wiping stray tears from her eyes with the palm of her hand.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

I put a consoling hand on her thigh and squeeze lightly. “It’s alright, babe.”

“I’m sorry I’m such a shit friend.” She gasps for air in between sobs. Fuck. She should really pull over.

“It’s alright. It’s okay. You want me to drive?” I keep my voice soft even though her driving is really starting to freak me out. She shakes her head and breathes in deep, trying to calm herself down. I sit back in my seat and look out the window; we’re a few minutes away from her place and I can just walk home from there. I’m only a block down from her.

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