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She glanced at Grant, his features a mix of confusion and annoyance, though he recovered quickly. “I was just about to invite Alex to dinner here…and, ah, your wife, Ava, of course. But I hadn’t gotten to it before you joined us.”

“Excellentay, Big G. We would love to. Shall we say seven?”

Grant shot Julia a glance as he fluttered his eyelashes. She read it as his discomfort with the situation, though it took all in her not to giggle at Alex’s playful tone mixing with Grant’s usual hard-headed approach. “Sure,” Grant answered as the door opened again, and Kyle stepped inside.

“Whoa,” Alex exclaimed. “Time machine moment, am I right?”

“What?” Grant asked.

“It’s like stepping back into the “Young Grant” exhibit at the museum. The resemblance is uncanny.” He shifted his gaze to Kyle. “My dude, has anyone ever told you how much you look like your dad?”

Kyle’s jaw clenched as he tightened his grip on the phone he held in his hand. “It’s come up.”

“No kidding. Ha! Trippy. Anywho…I’ll see you later. Sunshine.” He winked at her before he kissed her cheek, then strode toward the door. “Peace out.”

Kyle followed his departure with a confused glance on his face. “Is that Alex Stone?”

“The one and only,” Julia said.

“That’s who we’re pining our hopes on?” Kyle asked.

Julia shrugged a shoulder. “I wouldn’t judge. He’s probably already hacked both of your phones.”

“Yeah, right, Julia. He only talked to me for like a minute. Maybe he got into Dad’s.”

“My phone has some of the best encryption on it, so I doubt that,” Grant said.

Julia leaned back in her chair and shrugged. “Check them. I’d bet my life you’ll find something on there called ‘Alex’s Watchful Eye.’”

Both men grabbed their phones and toggled them on, looking less than impressed with her insinuation. Seconds later, they exchanged a glance.

“Well?” she asked.

“Yep. With a message that says ‘Grantster, don’t wear that frown, in the hacking world, I wear the crown’,” Grant answered, the frown he was told not to wear deepening.

Kyle clicked his tongue and sighed. “Mine says…’Mirror, mirror in my hand, who’s the spitting image of Grant in the land?’”

This time, Julia couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping her.

“It’s not funny,” Kyle said as he stalked to the chair and slumped into it.

“Well, at least you have your proof. He’s that good. So, we’re pinning our hopes on someone who deserves them.”

“Good,” Kyle said. “Because we’ve got more trouble. I got a text from Lydia congratulating me on a job well done and telling me she has a surprise in store.”

Julia quickly sobered, a chill snaking down her spine. She fidgeted, shooting Grant a glance. His concerned expression matched her inner turmoil. “Surprise? Any clue what it’s about?”

“Nope, she doesn’t say. But this can’t be good.”

Julia gripped the arms of the chair tighter, her heart skipping a beat. Kyle was right. No surprises from Lydia were good. What fresh hell awaited them this time?



Grant straightened his tie as he stared in the mirror. The worry etched into every line on his face hadn’t dissipated despite Julia’s return.

The pictures Lydia had insisted he see this morning were still burned into his brain. Visions of Julia in Kyle’s arms, his lips pressed against hers, danced in his mind.

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