Page 11 of Arrogant Professor

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So much more.

Ever since I watched her ride away in the cab this morning, I’d been haunted by that moment between us. The electric shock of her lips meeting mine. The raw desperation and hunger as she swayed into me. Her sweet taste that lingered long after she was gone.

Pasting on a polite smile, I prodded at my dinner, though my appetite remained non-existent. The steak was thick and juicy, the wine was rich and deliciously tart, but it seemed bland to me.

Simpering fool, I thought.

Why was I so obsessed with that damned kiss and a girl twenty years younger than me? Why couldn’t I stop thinking about her? I knew it didn’t mean anything. Elle had been upset, hungover, and probably lonely as hell. It sounded like her relationship with her family was rocky.

She was desperate, looking for love in all the wrong places.

“I’m fine,” I replied. “I…didn’t sleep well.”

My stomach twisted at the lie. I could only hope it would be convincing enough that Wilcox wouldn’t dig any deeper. He had the uncanny ability to sniff out bullshit a mile away.

“Is there anything on your mind?” Wilcox asked. “Anything you might like to share with the class?” he added with a note of humor in his voice.

I gestured to the dinner spread between us. The French Pearl was one of the best upscale restaurants in Port Crowne, Massachusetts. This meal had to cost a small fortune, and Wilcox had insisted on buying, despite my protests that I would be happy to split the bill.

“Why did you bring me here, Franklin? I appreciate the invitation, of course, and we’ve always been amiable towards each other, but this seems…personal.”

Wilcox shrugged and sipped his wine.

“I’m getting older and whispers of my retirement are becoming more common. I’m turning seventy next year, if you can believe that. Overseeing East Regent is not for the faint of heart, and I would hope my successor loved the school as much as I did.”

“You’re still sharp as a tack,” I pointed out.

“True as that may be, I’ve developed a list of potential candidates to take my place as Dean when I step down. I’d like to put in a good word for you to the faculty council.”

My breath caught in my throat as the implication of what Wilcox was about to say sank in.

“Is my name on your list?”

“If you want it to be.”

I stared down at my plate, the food barely touched. I had only ever dreamed of becoming a professor. Sharing my love of literature with students who were eager to soak up knowledge the way I was. Taking on Wilcox’s role would be big shoes to fill.

And there was the matter of Elle Roche. If I became Dean of the university, I absolutely could not be thinking about kissing her anymore. No matter how much I might want to.

“I’ve known you since your student days, Vincent,” Wilcox continued. “It’s clear that you love this university, dedicating your life to the values of higher education. I don’t make this proposal lightly. If you’re not interested, tell me now and I’ll never speak of it again.”

Why did I hesitate? Shouldn’t I leap at this opportunity? It was an honor for Franklin Wilcox to personally recommend me for the position.

Deep down though, I knew why I faltered.

That kiss had tainted me.

I felt guilty for it. And I couldn’t stop myself from aching for more. Thoughts of Elle filled my head all day long until I couldn’t focus on a damn thing.

And here was Dean Franklin Wilcox—an esteemed and respected member of the university—with the promotion of a lifetime on a silver platter.

I didn’t deserve it. Not after kissing Elle. Not after fantasizing about her even though I knew it was wrong on every level. She was too young for me. She was my student. And she was hungover, vulnerable, lonely.

But if I didn’t accept Wilcox’s offer, I would likely never get this chance again.

“It would be an honor, Franklin,” I replied.

As we shook hands, I resolved to put all thoughts of Elle Roche firmly out of my mind. For good.

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