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Her father had not made an appearance yet. She wasn’t certain what Aiden had up his sleeve, or how he thought they could best her father. Even with her father’s guards unarmed and dozens of armed men on her side, any calm her brief prayer may have created disappeared. Her stomach churned and her palm was slick against Jarom’s. ‘Trust me’, Aiden had said. She’d rarely trusted anyone besides Hays.

“You are doing fabulous,” Jarom said in a low tone.

“Thank you,” she managed. “For everything.”

“I was looking for an adventure.” He winked and turned to greet their next guest.

An adventure. Fun adventures with Hays seemed a lifetime away. Swinging on a rope swing while clinging to his back felt like it had happened in another world. She’d never get back to the peace and safety of the Coleville Ranch.

Would she ever get back to Hays’s arms? She saw him off to the side. The warmth in his deep-brown eyes lifted and inspired her.

She could stand against her father with Hays close by. Maybe she’d get one more enticing kiss from the love of her life before she had to leave him forever. Her negative thought gremlins were creeping in, but she also felt the fear that Hays was an elusive dream, as he’d always been.

“Your father is entering the house now,” Aiden’s voice said in her ear. “His men have been searched and disarmed. Everybody be on high alert. You’ve got this, Elizabeth.”

She swallowed and found herself praying again.

Please help me. Keep Hays safe.

Why hadn’t Aiden told them the moment her father’s entourage pulled up? Perhaps it was a kindness. No need to stretch out the anticipation and stress.

A stir came from the entryway. Elizabeth held her breath. It was time. Her father walked in, all smiles and handshakes. Peter was by his side, the other guards trailing him. Her pulse raced in her neck. She hated that tell and knew he’d love seeing it.

He greeted friends and acquaintances as he came. “Thank you for coming … Yes, I’m thrilled my sweet doll is getting married.”

What a farce. Everything about her life was a farce. Except her love for Hays and her siblings.

She clung to Jarom’s hand with a death grip. He let her. It didn’t help like Hays’s touch would, but it was something to hold on to.

Her father was almost to them. He glanced at her and gave her a smile that made her stomach turn over. She and everyone she cared for were in grave danger. Aiden had his plans and surprises, but Elizabeth knew how her father worked. She had to convince him this engagement to Jarom was all part of the plan to make allies of her siblings and further her political ambitions and their overall plans. Even if she did, it felt all hope was lost. Somehow he’d win and people she loved would die.

Peter’s gaze zeroed in on Hays as they approached. The guard’s black eye and the cut on his face made him look even more menacing.

Her father’s blue eyes followed his guard’s. Ice prickled at her spine. She stepped forward. Jarom stepped with her, wrapping an arm around her waist to stop her advance. “Don’t reveal anything,” he whispered.

He was right. Any show of her love for Hays could only hurt all of them, especially Hays.

Hays stepped in front of Peter and folded his arms across his chest, blocking his path. Peter stopped and appraised him, an ugly glower on his face.

“Forgive me. We haven’t been introduced,” her father said, pleasant as always. He stuck out his hand. Hays looked at his hand but didn’t unfold his arms and offer his own. Had her father ever been snubbed like that? She’d thought Hays looked tough and dangerous when he defeated Peter and when he met Jarom. This was next-level.

“I’m Lieutenant Hays West, Navy SEAL, and Elizabeth’s …” He glanced over his shoulder at her and paused long enough that Elizabeth felt a thrill go through her. He was going to claim her as his girlfriend, thump Peter and the other guards, and carry her far away from her father and this nightmare.

Greenland. Oh, please let us go to Greenland.

At a look from Aiden, who was close by, Hays finished, “…top bodyguard.”

Any thrill at Hays showing his love for her vanished. Her father knew exactly who Hays was now. He wouldn’t be safe anywhere.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, son,” Benjamin said.

“I wish I felt the same,” Hays returned.

Elizabeth had to hide a smile. Aiden was smirking as well. Her father dropped his hand but didn’t otherwise react. Not a surprise. He was a politician clear through.

“Pardon me while I meet my future son-in-law,” her father said, smiling silkily. “Peter would apparently like a word with you.”

Hays grinned. “I’ve already spoken with Peter.”

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