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“I’ve been trained to handle torture.” He gave her the cockiest smile she’d ever seen on his face. “If they can capture me.”

Elizabeth sucked in a breath. He was brave and strong, but nobody except Quaid had ever beaten her father in the long run.

“I’m here, Liz.” Everything about Hays from the set of his jaw, the firmness of his muscular body surrounding her, and the determination in his eyes screamed he was Superman and would defend her. “And I’m not going away.”

Elizabeth should’ve pushed him away, but she couldn’t resist his comforting strength and safety. It was the first time in her life she’d chosen not to give herself up. It might still come to that, but right now she only wanted to rest in Hays’s strength. She leaned into his shoulder, his light, his confidence, his love for her. He hadn’t said love, but she felt it clear through. Soon she’d have to be strong and face her father on her own.

“Lizzie.” Quaid was still on the phone. “I’m going to say a prayer, then we’ll sign off.”

“A prayer?” she repeated. Jacey had stayed faithful to what Nanny Maria had taught her and Quaid, but she didn’t think Quaid had.

“Yeah. Anna’s showed me the love of Jesus.”

“Oh.” She had no better response to that. Hays had offered to help her find Jesus and heal together, but that could never happen. Love and peace wasn’t her path, and she could only hope her brother and sister wouldn’t lose the loves of their lives because they’d tried to rescue Elizabeth and take on their father.

“Dear Lord,” Quaid began. “We thank you for our relationships, for love and light, for Jesus. We thank You for sound minds and strong bodies, the ability to fight for what’s right. We ask You to protect Anna, Jacey, Cade, Elizabeth, Hays, the Colevilles, Aiden and his family and men. We ask You for success to stop Benjamin Oliver. We ask You for Your guidance in these endeavors. In Jesus’s name. Amen.”

“Amen,” everyone but Elizabeth echoed.

She swallowed against the lump in her throat. Peace seemed to envelop the room and nobody moved for a few breaths. Would heaven help them? Maybe if she wasn’t in the equation. Heaven had never been there for her.

Hays rubbed his hand along her back, and she glanced up at him. This strong, kind, determined man could have been sent to her from heaven. If that was true, why would heaven want someone as wonderful as Hays to stand between her and her father?

“I’ll meet you at Jarom’s in a couple of hours,” Quaid said. “Don’t worry, Lizzie. You’ve got too many winners on your side. We’re not kids anymore. You’ve given us the information we need with that brilliant brain of yours, and we’re preparing to take him down from every angle. We’ll share what we can of the plan soon. Stay strong, sis.”

He hung up before she could respond. Stay strong. That was all she’d done her entire life, and it had gotten her nowhere. Quaid should know how connected, smart, and devious their father was, but no one except her truly saw the full scope. He’d murdered six of his own loyal men to try to take down Aiden Porter and flush her out. Not many devils would be so depraved.

Hays still held her, and that was the only thing strengthening her right now. If only she could send him away and keep him safe. Sure, she’d be unsteady and even more terrified without him, but she’d been standing alone and hiding her fears for years. Hays was much more important than how she felt or what she needed.

He tenderly kissed her forehead and then smiled at her. “Knock knock,” he said.

“Who’s there?”


“Boo who?” As soon as she said it, she smiled and heard Easton laugh.

“Don’t cry,” Hays said. “It’s just a joke.”

Hays leaned in and kissed right below her eye, where a bit of moisture from a tear had stuck. She sucked in a breath.

“You never need to cry or worry about me,” Hays said. “I’m taking care of you now.”

Elizabeth stared at him. Nobody had ever taken care of her. Could she allow him to? She didn’t dare. All she knew was she couldn’t handle him being in her father’s power. She wanted to take down Benjamin Oliver more than anyone, but she wouldn’t risk Hays, her siblings, or any of the other people helping her.

There had to be a way to sacrifice herself to keep them safe.



Hays leaned back in a plush recliner on one of Aiden Porter’s jets, holding Elizabeth’s hand. It was almost three in the afternoon, but it felt later. Elizabeth’s stress radiated from her, and he hoped to convey his sincerity to protect and love her. He wasn’t certain how good of a job he was doing.

Aiden had sent eight men plus the jet’s pilot Paul Braven, who could fight as well as anybody. Hays had worked with Paul on an op to protect his good friends Shawn Holister and Julie Pandoran. When Hays had scaled a cliff in the middle of the night to take out the enemy, Paul had been right behind him. Fearless. Strong. Trained. Tested. Hays was happy to have Paul and Aiden’s other men with him.

It was unnerving how little detail he had about the plan Aiden and Quaid were implementing, but they might be keeping him in the dark to keep Elizabeth calm. He’d focus on his objective and purpose—Elizabeth. He’d have to trust that Quaid and Aiden wouldn’t miss any details for the rest of the plan. They were two men he could and did trust, but he’d give anything to have Jagger by his side right now.

He’d assumed she was asleep, but Elizabeth turned to look at him. Her blue eyes were full of panic. “Hays. I don’t know if I can do this.”

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