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Her mouth and eyes tightened, and she pushed out the door.

Hays remained standing in the living area, his heart fracturing in his chest. His Liz was gone, and he was still a wimp for her. He’d have to ask Quaid to assign someone else to shadow her and draw her out. Obviously, Hays was the wrong man for the job.

Even worse, he was the wrong man for her.



Elizabeth’s pulse wouldn’t calm from the interaction with Hays. She dealt with politicians, dignitaries, murderers, and her father calmly every day, but five minutes near Hays West and she felt as if her world had been rearranged. She perched on the clouds, soaring with one glance of his deep-brown eyes, one touch of his hand, one smile, one silly and sweet knock-knock joke.

Yet the earth was in upheaval, and she’d be buried under a mountain of granite because of the peril he was in. Revealing her long-concealed love for him could only injure him. Not giving in and kissing him in the closet was excruciating, but it was her only choice.

Hays was still a blissfully safe space for her. Thinking of those few moments in his arms made her cheeks flush. Would his kiss have felt as thrilling as the stolen kisses they’d shared as high school seniors, or would the experienced, tough Lieutenant Hays West take command of her mouth in a way unequaled by even his younger self? She yearned for him, but she could not let down her guard and endanger him.

Even though she was distracted by Hays in her periphery, she had spent the evening learning all about the delightful Anna Marley Raven and tough but engaging Cade Miller. She was an expert at drawing out her companions and thoroughly enjoyed the conversations. Jacey was as fun and warm as ever and even Quaid relaxed marginally as the evening wore on.

Other people had come and gone from their group. She’d had a short conversation with the illustrious security expert Captain Aiden Porter. He and his men had kept their distance for the most part, observing and ready to engage at a moment’s notice.

The rest of the local crowd wanted to meet the famous Elizabeth Oliver, but some overtly warned her not to hurt Jacey or Quaid. If only they knew. She could not forget for a moment. Her security guards, especially Peter, were never far enough away—a sobering reminder of the peril everyone here was in because of her visit. The ‘win’ of her besting Peter verbally and walking into Jacey’s house alone hadn’t happened before, and she doubted she could pull it off again.

The sun was setting, and she had not placed the call to ask her father if she could stay. Would he approve? If the objective was truly to change Quaid and Jacey to allies, he might. But she feared the objective was Peter and his men scoping out the setting and the crowd and as soon as Elizabeth had cleared the area, they would detonate everything and everyone.

Pink, orange, and red streaked the sky as the sun dipped behind the glorious mountains to the west. Many of the crowd from the town of Coleville had dispersed. It had been an odd wedding party for certain. Elizabeth had felt like the guest of honor, not Cade and Jacey. Were her siblings playing a quiet game of chess with her and Father? She wouldn’t blame them.

Hays and over a dozen men she assumed were with the impressive Captain Aiden Porter were still spread out throughout the grassy area and giving increasingly confrontational looks to her security men. How could she possibly stay and risk the uneasy truce ending and a full-fledged battle taking place? How could she leave if Jacey wanted her here or if her leaving triggered injury or death to her loved ones?

She glanced at Hays. He was in conversation with another military-looking man. As if sensing her gaze, he focused on her. He did not smile, which was rare in her experience. There was a smolder for her in those deep-brown eyes. She placed a hand to her heart, hoping no one but her or Hays had noticed the bump of her note wrapped around the tattered strings of her bracelet.

She should’ve calmed down and thought for a moment in Jacey’s closet. She could have entrusted Hays with the note and asked him to get it to Jacey, but any voice recordings would have picked up on that. She’d also been decidedly out of sorts, hating him accusing her of trying to bomb or listen to her sister and longing for him to touch her again. She was accomplished at the façade but wished she could’ve dropped her guard completely with Hays.

It was mortifying that she had taunted him to come and get the note. Hays was pure; she adored him for that and so much more. She was far from pure, tainted by her mother and father’s evil acts that she had not been able to stop. Thankfully, she had been pawed but not defiled by the men she’d been forced to charm and manipulate. Her father was holding out for the ‘perfect man to mate her with’ and her purity would be a ‘bargaining chip.’ Father hadn’t found a man worthy of her, which meant he hadn’t found a man he could both manipulate and who had a perfect public persona.

Forcing her gaze from Hays, she said to Jacey and Cade, “Pardon me. I will call Father and ascertain if my schedule is conducive to me staying with you.”

“Please, please, please.” Jacey grabbed her hand. “We need more time. Do you want me to speak with him?” Jacey grinned as if her speaking with their father would be a great opportunity.

Elizabeth wanted her darling, happy, and incredible sister as far from their father as possible. “That is exceptionally thoughtful of you, but I will check with him first. Thank you.”

She stood from the table and walked away for some privacy. Peter pressed close, giving her none. She wanted to lash out at him, but it would accomplish nothing. Quaid and Anna were speaking with Aiden Porter. Quaid met her gaze. She held it, wishing she could speak with him alone. No cameras, microphones, or other people. She doubted he would believe the information she needed to share. He still stared at her as if she were the devil, the witch, their mother. Her stomach twisted.

Retrieving her phone from the small pocket near her hip, she pressed Father’s number.

“Doll,” he answered almost immediately. There was chatter in the background, so he must still be at the Health for Life Banquet. “Pardon me.” She heard his breathing and footsteps and then, “Why haven’t you spoken to your brother and sister about coming home and supporting your political dreams?”

He had been listening in. She wasn’t surprised.

“We have been in the midst of a large party. I haven’t been able to speak privately with either of them. I have been invited to stay with Jacqueline and her new husband. I will gain their support and ascertain what strengths they bring to our cause.”

“I understand Captain Aiden Porter is there. He could be a powerful ally if he is convinced we were not affiliated with your mother.”

“He could.” Did Father know everyone who had attended the party? One of the guards would have recognized Aiden Porter. She prayed they didn’t know who Hays was.

“I could allow until tomorrow evening, but keep Peter close. I must have you safe, doll.” The threat was implicit. She would have no chance to actually speak with her brother or sister, even if she could figure out where all the listening devices were. It was at least more time with Jacey and away from her father. Maybe she could get her note to Jacey or Quaid or whisper warnings to them.

“Thank you, Father.”

“Of course, doll. Anything for you. You know that.”

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