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She shrugged one gorgeous shoulder. “They were distracted.”

Erin ran in, grabbing her daughter and moving her away from the dead bodies.

Ian sat down in the middle of the parking lot and laughed his ass off while Theo joined his wife and daughter.

His future wife was still standing there. She was getting such a spanking. Nate tugged his T-shirt over his head. “Daisy O’Donnell, you know damn well that was not the distraction I was talking about.”

“But, Nate, it worked,” she replied. “Devi, you okay?”

“Thanks to you, bestie,” she called out.

“Hey, Dais, you’re looking good.” Hunter stood behind her.

“Thanks. I totally work out,” she said with a grin.

“Nathan.” Liam managed to make his name a command.

A command to deal with the source of all the storms in their lives. He moved in, shielding her as he stuffed her head through the opening of his shirt. “Do you want to keep your eyeballs in your skull, mate?”

Hunter immediately averted his gaze. “I thought you said we could look. I’ll go give the all clear to the rest of the guys.”

He’d changed his bloody mind about that, but he wasn’t going to argue with anyone but Daisy. “This is not the club. You were supposed to cry or something.”

Her chin came up, and she was so fucking gorgeous his dick hurt. “This was way better. They actually lowered their weapons.”

“I need a bloody drink,” her father exclaimed. “Nate, she’s all yours, son. Like I said. No take backs.”

“I was good,” Daisy insisted.

“Yes, you were, sweetie,” Erin said as she helped Devi up the stairs. “You were perfect.”

“I always knew Daisy’s boobs would save the world at some point.” Devi gave her a watery smile.

She’d put herself right in the line of fire. “You are never doing that again.”

Her hands were on her hips, and she faced off with him. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Nathan Carter.”

“I bloody well do since I’m the man who loves you. I’m the man who’s going to marry you, and this right here? Hard limit, Dais. Hard fucking limit.” He’d been calm, but now he realized how close she’d come to getting hurt.

“Well, I’m the woman who loves you and is going to marry you, and this is not the sixteenth century where you own me,” she shot back. “So we should agree to disagree and then go inside and take out all of this adrenaline on each other before the cops get here.”

“You honestly believe we’re going to have sex now?” She was going to drive him mad. Utterly bonkers.

Her lips curled up. “Yep. See you inside, Nate.”

“Hey, are we doing something with these bodies?” Big Tag stood looking down at them. “Also, Boomer says all the sniping made him hungry. My kitchen is not equipped for him tonight.”

Nope. He had something else to attend to.

“I think we’re letting the authorities handle this one,” his father said, joining Big Tag.

Nate followed his future wife. His job wasn’t done.

* * * *

“Did you have to do that?”

Daisy slid onto the barstool beside her father, feeling infinitely better. Well, mostly. Her backside was a wee bit sore because Nate had some things to work through. But oh, the orgasm after had been one hundred percent worth it. “I had to save Devi. O’Donnells get the job done. No matter what they have to do.”

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