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He gently tossed one of the soft treats he carried so itlanded close to the pup. So close he didn’t need to move. The food bowl hadbeen placed at the edge of the cage.

The dog was far more afraid than hungry, unwilling to riskhis life for the temporary comfort of food.

So Grim would have to show him it was okay, that he’d landedin a safe place.

It was kind of a theme in his life now.

But then once, he’d been the stray, and the home he’d foundhad been worth everything.

Grim took a long breath. “I might need for you to drive theladies home, Landon. This could take a while. I need to spend some time withthis guy and see if we can get him eating. And we have some new guests. Howmany puppies?”

“Eight,” Dakota replied. “And the momma is a pure bredgolden, while I’m pretty sure daddy was what we like to call around here ajunkyard dog. Those puppies are so ugly they’re cute, if you know what I mean.”

What she meant was they needed to get those babies adoptedand fast. They would be cute as puppies and look scary as big dogs no matterhow sweet they were. “Well, they’ll all need their shots. Could you get themready for me?”

“I’d like to help.”

He looked up and Nicole was standing there, bags ofgroceries in her hands. Harlow had two big bags as well.

“Abby forgot to tell us she’d called the order in,” Harlowadmitted.

“Or maybe I wasn’t listening. Apparently this was a list tocheck off.” Nicole set the bags on the big reception desk. “She’s worried theyoung man who fills the orders isn’t very accurate. He was today. What are youdoing?”

“Trying to get him comfortable enough to eat.” He kept hisvoice low and gentle. The dog was sniffing around the treat, his head going upand down as he tried to find a way to get it without exposing himself. “I’mgoing to sit here for a while. It could be an hour or two, and then I have somepuppies to vaccinate. I thought it was a quick trip, but sometimes I get pulledin. It happens a lot. I should have known and let you drive us.”

Nicole gingerly opened the cage and walked in. The doggrowled her way but more quietly this time.

He liked women more than men. It wasn’t unusual.Dogs—especially ones who’d been abused—could have gender preferences. This dogwas probably kicked by a man and so he feared them.

A little like Nicole.

“It’s okay. I think I would rather stay here. I love dogs.And cats. Pretty much any animal,” she said as she eased down, sitting acrossfrom him. “Maybe Harlow or Landon could run the groceries back and Josh couldpick us up when he’s done with work.”

Landon frowned but Harlow leaned over and whisperedsomething to him that had him looking up at the security cameras.

They should be safe here.

It had been so long since she’d been willing to be alonewith him.

Landon moved to pick up the bags Nicole had left on thecounter. “Call if you need anything.”

Harlow held out her hand for the key to the truck. “I’lltext Josh to let him know to pick you up. Are you closing soon?”

It was their short day. It was exactly why he’d decided tostop by. He fished out his keys. “In about twenty minutes, but like I said,I’ll be here for a while. Josh won’t mind waiting around.”

He never did. He would come in and help with the chores.

They could have some quiet time with Nicole. Not to tempther into sex. To show her she was safe with them.

“Hey, boss. I was actually needing to get home. My mom has adate, and I don’t want to leave my sister by herself. She tends to get intotrouble,” Dakota said with a frown. “I know it’s bad timing.”

He shook his head. “You go and take care of business. Joshknows how to help me.”

“Thank you.” Dakota grabbed her bag. “I’ll lock up. Josh haskeys.”

“And I’ll show you to your car,” Landon offered.

Dakota blushed. “Oh, thanks. That would be nice.”

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