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And suddenly she was turned and facing another man. He wastall and built, with deep blue eyes and dark hair. He looked her over with afrown, though his words were meant for her attacker. “After all these years,you finally learn, brother.” He turned Glen’s way. “You do need to call Mr.Barnes-Fleetwood and Mr. Burch. We’re going to all sit down and have a talk andthen we’ll decide what to do with our little Miss Murder.”

Her stomach churned. It was her every nightmare made real.They knew. They all knew. “Please. Please let me go. I won’t bother Josh orGrim anymore. I’ll disappear.”

How had she made this mistake again? Did she never learn?

The man shook his head. “Can’t do it.”

The elevator doors opened and Case Taggart strode out, afierce look on his face. “What the hell is happening, Chase? Are you runningsome kind of op in my fucking club?”

“What they’re doing is making a huge mistake and getting inthe middle of my op,” a familiar voice said. “Which I never planned to run inyour club. I thought she would be safe here, Taggart. Let the girl go.”

“Holy shit.” Case’s jaw actually dropped. “Solo?”

Heather was true to her word. She’d gotten in the building,but she looked totally different than her casual, happy friend. Her blonde hairwas pulled back, and she was in all black. “I don’t go by that name anymore.”

“Shit,” the man behind her said. His voice dropped to awhisper. “Look, Nicole, I need you to call off your friend. I didn’t realizeyou had a bodyguard.” He took a step back, dragging her with him as he spoke toHeather. “We’re all going to sit down and talk this situation out. My name isBen Dawson and that’s my brother Chase. We seem to have walked into somethingwe don’t understand.”

Who was Solo? Nic was so fucking confused. And scared. Shewas scared because she was surrounded by predators.

“Look, lady, I don’t know who you are, but this is a privateclub and I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” Chase Dawson said, turning toHeather.

“I will as soon as you let the girl go. We’ll leave and youwon’t have to worry about the situation again. Tell Barnes his precious boy issafe.” Heather flicked her hand and a baton appeared. “I’ll take her back toBliss with me and he can pretend he doesn’t have a past.”

“Or I can escort you out myself,” Chase offered.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Case warned. “We shouldall go up to my office and discuss the situation.”

“You might be out of practice, Taggart. I’m not.” Chaseswaggered over to the blonde. “Let’s see if we can find the exit.”

“Dumbass,” Ben hissed. “He doesn’t recognize her. Nicole,we’re going to back up so when my brother gets his ass kicked, you don’t gethurt.”

She wasn’t sure how that was possible since Chase Dawson hada hundred pounds of muscle on Heather. Heather was tall and had a slenderstrength about her, but Nic knew it didn’t matter how strong a woman was.Physically a man could hurt her. No amount of going to the gym had ever savedher from Micah.

Chase went to grab Heather’s wrist. She brought her arm upand around, breaking the hold before she kicked her knee back and up and rightinto the big man’s balls.

Chase went to his knees. Ben groaned behind her and relaxedjust enough to let her wiggle out of his hold.

“Damn it,” Ben said as though he was the one who’d lost hismanhood.

Heather had Chase in a chokehold, and it didn’t look likethe dude was getting out of it.

“Case.” Chase managed to croak out a plea.

Case’s head shook. “Dude, I’m smart enough to not fight theex-CIA operative. She might not go by Solo anymore but she sure acts like her.”

“Nicole, get behind me. My car is on the street,” Heatherwho wasn’t Heather ordered.

Who would she be getting in the car with? Definitely someonewho’d lied to her. It was all falling into place. Ex-CIA operative? Who hadMicah’s family brought in? Nic took a step back.

“Nicole…Nora,” Heather began. “I am here to help you. I’vereviewed your case and I don’t buy it for a second. Please come with me.”

She couldn’t trust anyone. Not a single person.

Ben got hold of her arm again. “I’m afraid I’m going to haveto insist she comes with us, though I’m willing to discuss the situation oncewe have her secured.”

“She’s not going anywhere except upstairs.” Case stepped infront of her. “You’ve all forgotten something. This is my fucking kingdom.”

Four men moved from all sides of the lobby, guns drawn.

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