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Well, it was obvious they’d had a breakdown incommunication, and Josh was a little overstimulated.

And he had the nicest ass.

She enjoyed the view while she could.

Chapter Six

Josh settled her into the seat, his gut in knots.

What the hell had gone wrong? It was a nice Sunday outside.He’d looked forward to spending more time with his brand-spanking-newgirlfriend, and this time maybe they would get to the actual spanking. In hishead he’d seen a nice breakfast, showing her around the ranch, watching Sundayfootball, sneaking off to fuck her again, and then Sunday dinner and morefucking. Very wholesome, with a side of perversion. Sure it had gone off track,but damn, he hadn’t expected to see the entire congregation of the Willow ForkBaptist Church standing on the lawn, basically pointing and calling his girl awhore.

And what the hell had gotten into Alyssa’s head?

“Are you okay?” This was everything his father had warnedhim about.

Nicole frowned up at him. “Well, I’m intimidated by younow.”

Damn it. He’d been careful with her. He’d been polite and agentleman. Sure he’d eaten her pussy and shared her with his best friend, butshe hadn’t seen his ruthless side. “I scared you.”

Those gorgeous eyes of hers rolled. “I’m not scared, Josh.I’m annoyed. You and Grim left me and then you roll in like you own me orsomething. I was getting breakfast with my new friend. You’re the one who choseto leave, so we didn’t have plans. I’m not going to let you walk in and outwhenever you want. So I would appreciate it if you would move out of my way andlet me get back to my friend.”

He felt his jaw clench. Damn it. He did not need herattitude this minute. She was obviously under some misconceptions. He’d beensurprised when he’d gotten to the motel and found her gone. Lucky for him, heknew she’d be on foot, and it wasn’t like downtown Willow Fork was hard tosearch. Of course there was one thing he hadn’t been able to do. “Why didn’tyou answer your phone? I tried to call you.”

Her eyes widened slightly. So she thought she had the upperhand in this minor argument. “It was almost out of battery. I forgot to chargeit last night, but I checked before I left. You hadn’t called me as of twentyminutes ago.”

“You didn’t charge your phone?” She was a woman living alonein a dangerous part of town. She needed her phone.

Now those gorgeous brown orbs narrowed in irritation. “Well,I had my mind on other things last night. I was too busy following otherorders. Orders like sit on my dick, Nicole. Ride me hard, Nicole.Not once did either of the bossy men pause the sex to tell me to charge myphone, and if you say it should be unspoken or something, you’re going to getthe same sass I gave your evil ex. You are the one who left without a call whenmy phone still had a baby bit of charge, and you decided not to leave a note.”

This was where he was confused. “I told you we had anemergency when we left.”

Her head shook. “No, you didn’t.”

“Yes, I woke you up. At least I thought I did. My sistercalled because we have a sick bred heifer, and Grim is the vet. My dads aregood at what they do, but they don’t have Grim’s skill.” It had been a shittymorning. They’d figured out the problem and now had another twenty head toworry about. “I didn’t want to leave you.”

Her expression had softened. “I’m sorry. I thought you left.I thought…”

“You thought we were done.” He could guess what had gonethrough her head. He leaned over and brushed his mouth against hers. “I’m notdone, baby. Not even close. I told you I would come back out after I droppedGrim off. I intended to, but they needed me.”

“Well, now I seem all full of myself and selfish since I didkind of curse your name a little.”

He felt his lips tug up. “Just a little?”

She flushed a pretty pink. “Okay. I was hurt when I woke upand you weren’t there. I told myself it wasn’t like you promised me anything.”

That was where she was wrong. He slid a hand along herjawline, tilting her head up so she had to look him in the eyes. “I promisedyou a lot last night, and I intend to fulfill every single one.”

This time when he kissed her, he didn’t hold back. He lethis tongue run along her lips until she opened them and let him in. He was wellaware that they were in public, but he wasn’t about to hold back. She needed toknow how it was going to be. His father was wrong. He understood what his dadhad been trying to tell him, but Nicole could handle it. She’d handled Alyssawith ease from what he could tell.

Of course her bravado might be exactly that.

He pulled back, staring down at her. Damn, but he loved herface. He searched it to see if she was holding anything back on him. “Baby, areyou okay?”

“Well, I am now,” she replied, her fingers coming up tobrush over his cheek. “I was way more upset when I thought you used me. But nowI’m upset because I realized you have terrible taste in women.”

Someone moved behind him. People were walking all up anddown the street, and there was no way they were missing this scene. He’d madehis point, but now he needed to get her away from here. “I’m going to behonest. Alyssa was my mistake. She was a nice girl when we were in high school,though we didn’t go to the same one. If we had, I might have picked up on hermean-girl vibes. My parents kept a pretty protective circle around my sisterand I, and later Grim. We went to a private school, and most of our friends hadparents who were active in my parents’ lifestyle. So I didn’t spend a ton oftime with her. Mostly at parties. I remembered her being real sweet. She cameback from living in Austin for a couple of years, and I asked her out. Itobviously did not work. I’d like credit for having better taste now. And, baby,I can make sure she never says a bad word around you ever again.”

“I’m not sure I want to know how you would do that, JoshuaBarnes.” She reached over and grabbed the seatbelt, clicking herself in. “Ihope you have breakfast where we’re going. And that Grim’s there.”

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