Page 118 of The Accidental Siren

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“But you were,” his father began, “and I assume this new PIfound the same clues you did.”

“From what I can tell, he caught up to her when the pressdid a small story on how she saved the man at the shelter,” Kim explained. “Shewouldn’t talk, but someone had taken a picture. He tracked her from there.”

Josh’s stomach threatened to roll. “He knows she’s here?”

“I can’t be sure, but it’s a distinct possibility,” Kimagreed. “Up until now he hasn’t had a reason to hurt her. Nicole being on therun was doing what they needed it to do. But Laura has left Ted. Roman and Itook her to the airport on our way back here. They will quickly figure out whatshe’s done.”

“Should she have protection?” His father had a serious lookon his face.

Pops had gotten up and unlocked the gun case.

“I’ve already sent someone with her. Once it becomes knownthe authorities have the tape, there won’t be a reason to hurt her or Nicolebeyond revenge. But they don’t know we have the proof yet, so I worry theymight try to take out Nicole to scare Laura. They should know tomorrow, but Ifear the next couple of hours because we’re so close. Laura also told me Micahdisappeared from their basement two days ago, and she believes he left with afake ID and cash,” Kim continued. “She said Ted went looking for him, so Idon’t know where he is either.”

Josh had his phone in hand, dialing her number. When it wentto voicemail, he groaned, a frustrated sound. “Nicole, call me when you getthis.” He hung up and looked to his best friend. “You get anything fromHarlow?”

“Nothing from her, but Landon told me he’s on his way topick them up and will be back here in twenty minutes,” Grim replied.

Why wasn’t Harlow answering her phone? Josh fought to remaincalm, panic threatening to overwhelm him. He tried Harlow’s number again.Nothing. “She wouldn’t simply not answer. Nic might get distracted, butHarlow’s working. She wouldn’t ignore a call from us unless something’s gonewrong.”

A million scenarios played out in his head, all of themawful.

“How can we even be sure where Nicole is?” Grim asked, hisexpression mirroring what Josh felt.

“You need to find her,” Kim said. “I can find Landon. Heworks for a firm that tracks their employees, but if he’s not with them, Idon’t have any way of finding the ladies.”

Pops cleared his throat, looking pointedly at Dad. “Yougoing to tell them, Jack?”

His father was on his feet. “I can find her.”

His father moved to the gun safe Pops had opened.

Josh followed. And prayed his father knew what he was doingand they made it on time.


Nicole stared at the ghost in front of her. “Micah?”

He looked older, thinner. Like the years since she’d seenhim last had taken any softness and left behind only the deranged predator.

Harlow had pulled a gun, a semiautomatic pistol she lookedperfectly comfortable with. “Nicole, I need you to get behind me. As for you,whoever you are, don’t move a muscle.”

Unfortunately, Micah had a gun, too. He knew how to use it.Both he and his brother had been gun collectors and practiced regularly. Hestood his ground. “I think you’re the one who shouldn’t move. I’m not sure whatshe’s told you, but Nora is my wife, and we have a few things to work through.”

Nicole realized she was blocking Harlow’s shot, but she wasterrified to move. Terrified she was about to get her friend killed. “Micah,I’ll go with you if you’ll let my friend go.”

Harlow huffed behind her. “I’m not letting that happen.”

“Oh, I think you will.” Micah’s smile went reptilian. “Or mybrother can eliminate you.”

Nicole gasped and turned, realizing while they’d beenprotecting their fronts, Ted had moved in behind them and had a gun to the backof Harlow’s head.

“My dumb bitch wife is forcing us all into this situation,”Ted said, his eyes steely. “I found out she was meeting with the blonde bimbomy parents hired. I suspect she’s trying to tell her side of the story. Once Ipresent her with your dead body, she’ll know what can happen to her if shetalks. It’s time to clean up my brother’s mess once again.”

Micah’s eyes rolled. “Sure. It’s all me.”

Nicole was sick with fear and had to shove the panic down.They were here in broad daylight, and Landon would be back soon.

Would they murder her and Harlow right here? She wasn’t sureanyone would stop them.

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