Page 116 of The Accidental Siren

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“I love her way more than you do,” Josh argued, a littlelightness taking over. It was fun to joke with Grim about who loved theiralmost wife more. Of course showing her their love was even more fun.

Benita’s head shook, and she was laughing as she waved themoff. “You boys. That poor girl. Grim, there’s a sandwich for you in the fridge.I’m sure Joshua already ate but you got too busy and forgot.”

She knew them well. Josh had eaten at his desk while he wasconsulting his Uncle Lucas about wreaking vengeance on his enemies. Talkingabout vengeance always made him hungry. He could use a second lunch, but hedoubted Grim would share. Their future wife, yes, but not a sandwich.

Benita offered him a cookie. “You go on now. Your fathersaid you have some sort of meeting about Nicole.”

“It’s not for another hour,” Grim replied. He’d alreadydowned half the big-ass, looked-delicious sandwich. “Is Nic back yet?”

“She left about thirty minutes ago, but she was with Landonand Harlow. I swear that poor girl is never going to get to drive her own car,”Benita complained. “It’s a beautiful piece of machinery and it’s just sittingthere.”

“Hopefully after today we can start to see the end of thetunnel.” Josh was unwilling to pull her security right away. He knew she neededsome freedom, but it would take a while. He’d already scheduled an upgrade forthe security on the shelter. When it was in place, he and Grim would be able toaccess the cameras from their phones. “But if she wanted to drive herselfaround, she probably shouldn’t have decided to work a block from the office.”

“And directly in my office,” Grim added. He’d finished thesandwich in three bites. “I’m afraid she’ll have to deal with commuting in withone of us and probably having a lot of lunches at Christa’s.”

It was one block over. He could walk down to the shelter,and they would join him on sunny days. They would hold her hand and not give adamn about who was watching.

Or they could join him in his ridiculously big office. Theone he was going to fully equip for afternoon play sessions with Nicole. Well,he would redesign some of what was already there. When he’d moved in he hadn’twanted to think about how many very sturdy hooks there were in the ceiling whenhis father didn’t have a bunch of hanging plants.

“What did Lucas have to say?” Grim asked. “I’m worried mystepfather is going to cause trouble.”

“Lucas is making a call.” Josh wanted that asshole in check.“He’s going to be talking to a friend at the attorney general’s office aboutopening an investigation into the church. We all know they’re not in any wayfollowing the rules of a nonprofit. In addition, the city council will beimplementing a couple of new rules about public decency. It doesn’t forbidstreet preaching, but it will shut down and fine anyone who harasses people. Somore Jesus, less women are whores.”

“He could still come after us. I’m worried he’ll come afterher,” Grim admitted.

“I wouldn’t be. You know your father had a long talk withEzekiel after you came to live with us, Grim. There’s a reason he didn’t fightyou living here,” Benita said, pouring herself a cup of coffee. “I wasn’t therefor the conversation, but I was there when he talked to Sam and Abby about it.Ezekiel is scared of Jack. He won’t physically harm anyone because he knowsJack has plans to take him out if he does.”

“Dad threatened my stepfather?” Grim asked with a littlesurprise.

“Of course he did.” Josh had no idea why Grim would besurprised. “It’s why I’m not worried about Ezekiel. Between me coming after hiscult and Dad and Pops very likely ensuring he understands Nicole is aBarnes-Fleetwood, the most he’s going to do is run his mouth. I’ve heard he’salready talking about selling his land and buying a spread in a less populatedarea.”

“We’re a tiny town,” Grim pointed out. “How much lesspopulated can he get?”

“I think he’ll go completely off the grid at some point, andgood riddance to him.” Josh felt certain he would take the members of his groupwith him, and they would likely get weirder and closer and closer to crossing aline. But that was a Netflix documentary for another day. As long as they wereout of Willow Fork, he would be content.

“Josh is right. He’s put out feelers about selling hisspread. He’s been planning on leaving for a while now. This will push him outfaster. Last night was him trying to find a way to fuck with you that wouldn’tbring me down on his head. He tried to use the beetle infestation to get peopleto turn on you since you’ve become such a pillar of our society.” Dad stood inthe doorway.

Grim seemed to think. “Why does he hate me so much?”

Dad moved in, putting a hand on Grim’s shoulder. “He’safraid of you. He always has been. He knows you’re a better man than he’ll everbe, and that’s why he’s going to leave. He’s afraid at some point those boyswho say they’re your brothers will figure out you’re not who he says you are.He’s a petty man, and while I wish we could have helped your mother, she madeher choice a long time ago. I’m afraid she’s filled with Ezekiel’s hate now.”

“Bio mom. Abby’s my real mom,” Grim said tightly.

“Damn straight she is.” Jack put an arm around him. “Son, Idon’t want you to worry about this. No one believes the kind and caring vet isin league with the devil. Well, unless they mean me.”

Grim hugged their old man. “You’re so far from that, Dad.”

It was easy to see how pleased his father was to be calledby his rightful title. “Now, come back to my office. Kim sent a text saying sheneeds to talk to us.”

Josh downed his cookie in two big bites as he and Grimfollowed their father. “She’s early.”

“She must have found something.” It was good to know Grimcould be positive for once.

“Or something’s gone wrong.” Josh had a bad feeling in hisgut all of the sudden. He didn’t like when a person as organized as Kim Kentsuddenly wanted to change up the time line. It meant she’d found something shehadn’t counted on.

“Don’t borrow trouble, son,” his father advised. “I know itwould be better to wait for Nicole, but she’s still in town. I think we shouldfind out what’s happened so we can maybe have a plan by the time she gets back.If it’s bad, I’d like to at least be able to give her a plan.”

What could it be? “Could they have faked a video of herkilling Micah?”

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