Page 111 of The Accidental Siren

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Nicole went tense. “I didn’t think Ted was physicallyabusive. There were times when I heard him telling Micah to stop hitting me.Not because he cared or anything. He thought Micah would get caught eventually.I knew he played a lot of mind games on her and he had total financial controlof her life, but I never saw him hit her.”

“I think this is relatively new,” Kim agreed. “We searchedrecords back before their marriage and it was only six months after the murderwhen she started needing medical attention. It’s possible the murder was atrigger that led to her husband becoming violent.”

“So you think Laura Holloway is trying to protect herself?”Grim wanted to understand the situation.

“She’s finally figured out nothing is going to change,” Kimreplied.

Nicole seemed to consider the situation for a moment. “Howold are her kids now? Ted was ten years older than his brother. By the time Icame on the scene, Laura had three kids and they weren’t babies.”

Roman nodded. “Her youngest is in college. The University ofMichigan.”

“Where her parents live,” Nicole said as though theknowledge made a puzzle piece slide into place. “The kids are adults, and atleast one of them is living close to where she would find refuge. He doesn’thave the kids to hold over her anymore.”

“Another reason he could have become violent. He knew he waslosing control.” Grim couldn’t stand the thought Nicole had been caught in sucha violent world. “So she’s holding this evidence against her husband in aneffort to get us to send her the money to safely get away.”

“Are we sure this isn’t complete crap and all this will dois send them straight here?” Josh asked.

Their dad nodded from his seat. Jack had been quiet most ofthe meeting, deferring to Josh and Grim. Grim had been grateful to have Jack inthe room though. He knew there was no one he would rather have than his dadwatching their backs.

“She sent us the logs,” Jack explained. “I wouldn’t moveforward without them.”

“Those security logs are proof Nicole didn’t show up untilseveral hours after the coroner reported time of death.” Roman looked throughhis notes. “I was able to pull some security footage from a couple ofbusinesses around town that prove Nicole’s timeline. All of this is excellentnews, but obviously the holy grail of this case is going to be actual video ofthe murder. We’ll be able to clear Nicole’s name entirely and quickly.”

“And get Ted Holloway behind bars,” Kim added.

“That’s amazing,” Nicole said, her hand going to pet the dogon her lap. “I could be a free woman in a matter of hours?”

Grim glanced Josh’s way, exchanging a look of worry with hisbest friend. Josh nodded, letting him know one of them had to take the lead.“You’ve said the Holloway family is important to the town. How can we be surethey’ll arrest Nicole’s brother-in-law? It wouldn’t be the first time cops leta little something like proof of murder slide for rich folks.”

“Not if she leaks it to the press,” Harlow offered.

“Absolutely,” Kim agreed. “If they refuse to reopen thecase, we’ll go straight to the press, but I don’t think it’s going to be aproblem. In the last couple of years the family’s sway on the town has loosenedup as the company they own downsized and moved most of the jobs overseas.”

Nicole’s head shook. “It won’t matter to Sheriff Reynolds.He’ll still be taking bribes from the family.”

Roman’s lips kicked up. “Yeah, he lost his last election.There’s a new sheriff in town.”

Kim shook her head. “You were just waiting to say that,weren’t you?”

Roman nodded, looking entirely unworried he’d moved intodad-joke territory. “Yeah.”

“So we think this guy will do his job.” Josh sat back.

“And quickly,” Kim agreed.

“But obviously he’ll get out on bail.” Nicole suddenlyseemed nervous again.

Grim didn’t want to take the smile off her face. The morninghad been so lovely, and she’d been relaxed and happy. “But if the videoabsolves you, he has no reason to come after you. In fact, it would be bad forhis case to come anywhere near you. If the tape is what she says it is, thenyou’ll be free of the Holloway family.”

“I think they’ll be way more interested in yoursister-in-law,” Josh advised. “Which is why we’ll give her some protection. I’mgoing to assume you think she can testify.”

Kim nodded on the screen. “She’ll be an excellent witness,but I’m hoping that tape leads to a plea agreement.”

“I think the Holloways will do anything they can to take thedeath penalty off the table, which means they’ll have to plead,” Romancontinued. “When we have everything, I’ll send a copy to your lawyer, Nicole.Lucas O’Malley. I take it he’s the family attorney.”

Nicole nodded. “For the Barnes-Fleetwood family. He alsohandles the business.”

“If we need to get her a criminal attorney, we will,” Joshadded. “But Lucas knows what he’s doing. I want her name cleared and allwarrants rescinded as soon as possible. We plan on getting married within theyear.”

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