Page 95 of Old Habits

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Chapter 25


Stupid three-day waiting period.

I wanted to have the thing in my hands today so I could rub it in Sara’s face as soon as possible but I guess I’ll have to wait on that. That’s fine. A little delayed gratification never hurt anybody.

And it’s not like I don’t have a new fake fiancé to keep myself busy with.

“Hello!” I announce as I push open his front door. “Will?”

“In here!” he shouts from his room.

I follow his voice, sliding my jacket off while keeping a grip on the plastic bag latched to the tip of my fingers. “First, sorry I’m late. Some kid messed up the dinosaur display tonight so I stayed late to fix it. I would not have been able to sleep with the allosaurus mashed between the brachiosaurus and the carnotaurus, you know?”

I reach his room to find him lounging on his bed with a book in his hands.

“Hello there,” I say.

“Hey,” he greets me. “You know, I never thought to ask this before but what is the deal with you and dinosaurs?”

“They ruled the world before us, Will,” I joke. “They deserve our respect.”

“Oh. Of course. Silly me.”

I walk over and set the plastic bag down on the edge of the bed beside me. “Whatcha doing?” I ask.

“Reading,” he answers.

“Well, I see that. Anything good?”

“Not really.”

I lean down to unlace my boots, chuckling quietly to myself. “We’re fake engaged less than one day and we’re already that couple.”

“What couple?”

“The kind that turns in at nine at night to read books they hate.”

“Well, luckily,” he says, closing the book, “we’re fake engaged, so we can be fake that couple, too.”

“Ah. I like the way you think, Myers.” I slide my boots off onto the floor.

“Speaking of fake engaged, I have something for you.”

I smirk. “Does it start with a D?”

“No.” He hops up and wanders over to his dresser before pausing. “Actually, yeah. It does.”

“Is it big, too?”

“It’s big enough,” he answers as he roots through his sock drawer.

“Well, that’s an interesting answer.”

Will walks back over and extends his hand, making my breath catch in my throat. A small velvet box rests in his fingers, one that I never thought I’d ever see again.

“If you start telling people we’re engaged, they’re gonna wanna see a ring, right?” he asks.

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