Page 93 of Old Habits

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I search her face. “Then…”

She stares at me, her eyes creeping into narrow yet elegant slits. “After you, Will.”

I sigh and walk inside. She follows me, instantly slipping her arm around my elbow and leading me down the hallway to the last office on the left.

As we enter, a woman behind the counter smiles at us. “How can I help you?” she asks.

Jovie grins back and tugs me inside. “We would like one marriage license, please.”

My heart stops. “We what?”

“Oh, congratulations!” the woman coos. “You’re such an adorable couple!”

“Thank you,” Jovie replies, latching even tighter onto my arm. “I never grow tired of hearing that. Right, sweetie?”

I flinch as she pokes my chest. “Would you excuse us for a minute?”

The woman nods and says something in reply but I don’t hear it as I yank Jovie back out into the hallway to get out of earshot.

“Jovie, what are you doing?”

Her grin vanishes as she pulls her elbow free, bringing forth the sinister machinations hidden on her face. “I’m getting on that damn party planning committee.”

“And what part of that requires a marriage license?”

“Sara thinks she’s being so clever by telling me that her little group is for residents only but I figured out a way to get one step ahead of that.” She points between us. “We’re getting married.”

“Okay…” I pinch the bridge of my nose as spots take over my vision. “I think I just had a tiny stroke.”

“Obviously, what she’s doing is discrimination based on marriage status but this is Clover. It’s much easier to play the game than it is to discuss the rules.”

“No, no, it’s not,” I say. “We’re not getting married just so you can hang some balloons in the high school gym!”

“We’re not really getting married, Will.” She lowers her voice. “I just need the paperwork to rattle her cage. Get under her skin. If we’re legally engaged, then she has no grounds to reject me from the committee, by her own admission. She has to let me in. The thing expires in six months anyway. We’ll just let it lapse. No harm done.”

“No,” I answer.

She pouts. “Why not?”

“Because it’s crazy, that’s why!”

“It is not crazy.”

“Yes, it is. Jovie, I know what they said about you was wrong and you want to get back at them for it but there are other ways to get involved in Clover.”

She bites her lip. “But I want to do this.”

“No.” I take a step back. “I’m out.”

“By refusing to side with me, you’re directly supporting them.”

“No, I’m not.” I point a finger. “I support logic and rational thinking and none of you seem to have a firm grasp on either of those right now.”

“Will, come on. Please,” she begs. “This could be my only shot at redeeming myself to these people. We both know that I can’t do jack shit to help the knitting club or the little league but what can Jovie Ross do better than anyone else? Throw a freakin’ party, that’s what.”

“Jove, you don’t think this is going a tad bit too far?”

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