Page 111 of Old Habits

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Chapter 28


“So, I told Sara that you can’t have a USO themed dance without live music and everyone else agreed.” Jovie points her own thumbs at her face. “With me.”

I take a sip from my soda. “Really?”

Jovie chews on a fry from her plate across the table from me. “You should have seen the look on her face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her more annoyed with me before and that’s saying something.”

“Well, this won’t backfire on me at all,” I joke, glancing around the crowded diner.

If we’d been this public a week ago, every silent eye would be staring at us. Now, I notice only the occasional passing glance toward our booth. Maybe Clover is finally starting to get used to us again.

“Anyway,” Jovie wipes her mouth with her napkin, “Natalie and I went online and found a few swing bands in Kansas City and we’re setting up some auditions for this weekend. It’s gonna be awesome.”

“Cutting it a little close, aren’t you? The dance is on Tuesday.”

She winces. “Yeah, but it’ll be okay. Musicians are usually really flexible people. I am confident that we’ll find one in time.”

I stare quietly at her until she realizes I am.

“What?” she finally asks.

“Do you realize that you’ve been talking about the party planning committee for the last twenty minutes and you haven’t rolled your eyes once?”

She scoffs. “I have, too.”

“No, you haven’t.” I smirk. “You’ve spent the last week and a half on this committee, smiling and nodding along with them only to come home every night to me and poke fun.”


“So… the last few days haven’t been as mean-spirited as usual.”

She frowns. “What are you getting at, Will?”

I slide forward to snatch a fry off her plate. “You’re having fun,” I say as I bite it in half.

Jovie sits a little taller as her face creases. “I am not.”

“Yes, you are. You’re giving back to the town of Clover and you’re actually enjoying yourself.”

“No, I’m blending in. That’s the whole point of a coup.”

“I don’t think you’re couping anymore, Jove,” I say, stealing another fry off her plate. “I think you’re one step closer to becoming—”

“Don’t.”She points a stiff finger at me. “Don’t you dare say it.”

“A productive member of society.”

Her jaw drops. “Take. That. Back.”

“Soon, you’ll be giving presentations at town meetings.”


“And voting in local elections.”

“Knock it off.”

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