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I know not everyone likes whiskey, and if we can offer something else that is just as enticing, then people will come and maybe enjoy one or both, expanding our product offering.

“You should open a spa,” Sawyer says sarcastically, but my eyes meet Connor’s immediately.

“That is a very good idea…” Connor murmurs as we stare at each other. The silent conversation we are having gets both our minds working overtime.

“We could have whiskey-themed treatments…” I say, tapering off, thinking about my night in the city with Victoria and the way the whiskey ran over her body. I know nothing about day spas or treatments, but I also know Victoria doesn’t drink whiskey or have the appreciation for it yet, and she’s my motivation here, keeping in mind everyone else who might feel the same as she does. If I took her to a distillery, she would be bored. Unless they offered something for her that she could do that would entice her to visit too.

“Definitely something we should think about. Especially with all the rich clientele that are starting to move out here. Whispers doesn’t have anything like that, and coupled with the mineral springs, I think it has a lot ofpotential,” Connor says, and I agree. The expansion into accommodation and now potential spa sounds like an exciting prospect.

“Let’s get a consultant in as well and see what might work.”

Connor’s already tapping out some notes on his laptop, eager to try something new.

“Sorry to interrupt…” Lacy says, walking into the boardroom, and my shoulders tighten in frustration at being interrupted once more until I see the sheriff right behind her.

“Tony?” I ask, standing, immediately on guard.

“Hi, boys. Tanner, I wanted to come and talk to you as soon as I heard.”

I nod for him to continue, my heart pounding.

“Talk is around town of a strange man popping up these last few days. I couldn’t get ahold of him, but Rochelle saw him this morning. He was asking about Marie’s Place.” He nods to me, and my body hums.

“What did he look like?”

“She was busy, so didn’t get a good chance to check him out, but he had dark hair, looked like he was from the city. Could it be this Josh guy we are looking for?” Tony asks, and my gaze meets Connor's.It has to be Josh.

“I’ll go over to Victoria's to make sure she is alright and let her know.” I nod to the room full of people who look at me.

“Need us to take a look around town?” Connor stands, ready to do whatever needs to be done.

“My boys will handle it. I am just doing a courtesy by telling you. We can’t go arresting or roughing up aninnocent man. Could be a tourist. Could be no one. But the minute anyone sees or hears anything, call me,” Tony says, and my nostrils flare.

“It also could be the asshole who left her for dead by tampering with her truck,” I state, letting him know that I will not be calling him until I am ready for him to clean up my mess. Grabbing my cell and keys, I’m out the door, rushing to get to Victoria.



Iclick through the presentation on my screen, butterflies of excitement swirling in my stomach.

“So if we open this up here, then I think it would be really beautiful,” I say to Griffin, the two of us on a video call, talking through my ideas for the ranch. My sketches are looking good. I have a few more tweaks to make, but my vision is finally coming together.

“I love it. It makes total sense. It is unique, and we should be able to get the materials needed reasonably easy. You have a really good eye for this kind of thing. Ever thought about making it a permanent gig?” Griffin asks, and I smile, my heart racing at what this could mean for me.

“It would be a dream of mine, really. I have loved pulling this together,” I tell him, now knowing that if I can pull off my ideas for this ranch, my portfolio will be kick-started and maybe I can start a new career in the world of interior design.

“Well, I know the owner will approve, and let me tellyou, when this project is done, I am sure I will have another one waiting for you. Whispers has a lot of billionaires ready to move there. They already have the land; they are just waiting to build. The work Tanner and Connor have done to that town is astounding. I have even got a plot there,” he says, smiling, and it is contagious. When I first moved here, anytime anyone said Tanner’s name, I tensed. But now I have nothing but pride and joy for the man who makes me smile even when he isn’t here.

“Lock it in, then, because I am ready!” I say excitedly. This is the opportunity I have been waiting for, and hearing Griffin say it cements everything here for me. I won’t be signing those lease forms back in NYC, and I can’t wait to tell Tanner. We were a little distant when we got back. But when he turned up with the love seat on my back porch, I completely melted. Him and Whispers are now my home.

“So the team is on track with the build so far. But as I am sure you know, sometimes there are hiccups, which can derail things. I estimate that we will be ready for interiors in a month or two, so start preparing and shopping. I will need the final paint colors and then the light fittings first. You have the funds now and access to the account. Plus, you can ship everything to the block. I have lockable shipping containers there to hold goods until we are ready for them,” he explains, and I continue to take notes.

“Any further feedback from the owner on the color palette?” I ask, thinking about it. I am going natural, with timber features.

“He said for you to design it how you would like to live in it,” Griffin says, and I snort.

“Yeah, in my dreams,” I say through a laugh, but it’s filled with longing. I can’t imagine living somewhere like that. “If I won the lottery, this ranch would be exactly how I would want to live.”

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