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“The first bottle of our next release. It’s a limitededition. Only a few thousand bottles will be made, so it will be exclusive.”

Her eyes widen, and I can tell she has more questions.

“I will email you the details tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know,” the young woman says before she leaves us to it.

“Seventy-five thousand for a bottle of whiskey? What makes it so special?” Victoria asks me once we are alone again.

“It’s a new brand, one that Connor and Lacy came up with. We are not releasing it to the public, only keeping it for exclusive order only,” I murmur, taking another sip of whiskey, not believing I let them talk me into it.

“That’s exciting. What did you call it?”

I can’t help but smile and shake my head.

“Next Door. A whiskey to be enjoyed with your neighbor,” I tell her, and her face stills before her smile gets even wider and she laughs. It is contagious, and I start to laugh as well, so much so, the people around us start looking over. I spot Connor eyeing us from nearby, clearly wanting to know what is going on too.

“Are you telling me that I have been an inspiration to your brand, Tanner?” Victoria teases, her eyes glistening.

“Oh, you inspire me every day, baby girl.” Holding her close, I press a light kiss to her painted lips.

“I might have to try this release. Since I am what inspired it and all,” she hums, looking up at me, and I like that idea. I like it a lot.

“I have a test bottle at my penthouse in New York. We can try it tonight.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she says, her fingers smoothingmy suit lapel as the look in her eyes turns blazing. I know we have the same thing in mind, and with that, I check the time, seeing a few people starting to leave.

“We should go,” I say to her, and she nods eagerly.

“Are you two trying to get on the front page ofSociety Newshere or something?” Connor asks, looking at us like we are fascinating and insane all rolled into one.

“Better my smile than my resting bitch face that I am most likely to have,” Victoria quips. “I need to go and grab my bag. Give me a moment.” Stepping away, she moves through the crowd, many people stopping and talking with her. Her presence is magnetic, and in that dress, I am surprised I was able to last this long before getting her out of here.

“I have never seen you laugh like that, Dad. Not out in public, anyway.” Connor looks at me, surprised. I have never thought about it before, but he is right. I generally don’t enjoy these events. I prefer to be at the distillery than in the city. But tonight, I have had fun. I enjoy being in the company of my friends, and that will never change, but having Victoria with me just made it all the better.

“She brings out the best in me,” I tell him honestly, still watching her.

“She certainly does,” Connor confirms with a smile, taking me in like he is seeing me for the first time.

It is all her. She does this to me.



“My feet are killing me,” I say to Tanner as we take the elevator up to his penthouse. Our bags are already here, the car bringing us straight from the jet. I could get used to this private travel. Everything is so much quicker, easier, and less stressful.

“Let me help you,” he says as we reach his floor, swooping down and picking me up, walking me across the threshold of his door and into what can only be described as interior porn.

“Holy hell,” I gasp, wriggling out of his hold until he puts me down.

“Look at this view!” I almost squeal, walking toward the large floor-to-ceiling windows. “Look at your ceilings! They must be at least twenty-five feet high?” I have never seen anything like it.

He chuckles behind me, and I turn to face him with complete shock. Taking off his jacket, he unbuttons thecollar of his white shirt before sitting on the arm of the sofa, watching me.

“I wondered if you would like it,” he says, and now I look at him like he has gone mad.

“Like it? This is crazy. Oh my God, you have a grand piano in your living room. You can see all of Central Park from your sofa!” I am almost yelling now with excitement. I am in interior design paradise.

“You can see the Hudson from the bath,” he quips, and I whip my head around to look at him again.I think I might faint.

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