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As the morning light peeks through his blinds, I look around Tanner's bedroom. This big, dark, wooden sleigh bed is luxuriously comfortable. I am warm, snuggled, and feel entirely content. He has photographs of Whispers around his room, the landscape, some of the distillery that I recognize. All in black and white. A large bathroom is off to the side, and his walk-in closet rivals the size of my shed. I spot an equal mix of suits and jeans through the opening; the contradiction of the man continues even in his wardrobe choices.

After our rumble in the living room and showering, we talked all night over dinner, before we fell into bed and made love again, our stamina for each other like nothing I have experienced before.

I am falling for him. Hard. What started as a fury of passion has turned into something more. Much more. I have no idea what it means. I can’t get a handle on it. I have never felt this way. He consumes me. Every wakingmoment, my first thought is him. That didn’t even happen with Josh and I was engaged to that asshole. Looking at the ceiling, I say my thanks to the Lord above for helping me dodge that bullet.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Tanner asks from where he is lying next to me in his crumpled bedsheets. His hand darts over and runs across my naked stomach, tenderly caressing my skin before he cups my breast.

“Hmm, just thinking about things,” I tell him as I turn over, the two of us lying face-to-face. “What about you?”

He looks down at my body and back to my eyes. “I’m just thinking about how perfect your naked body is and how perfect it looks in my bed. I am remembering the first time I saw it in your bathroom when you hurt your leg.”

“I thought you said you didn’t see anything!” I smack his chest playfully, shocked, because that little memory was one that filled me with embarrassment.

“Oh, I saw enough. It’s been ingrained in my brain ever since,” he says, huffing a laugh.

“Hmm, well, I like looking at you naked too,” I admit, and he winks at me.

“I really like having you in my bed,” he says, pulling me to him, and my body slides across the sheets and into his arms. “Or your bed. Just you and me in bed is what I want.”

“I could get used to this as well.” Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, his hands trail up and down my back.

“So next week, I have an event in the city… I would like you to come with me. Be my date?” he asks, and I hold my breath.

“Really?” I ask, smiling. “What is it?” I’m keen to know more about his city life.

“Fundraising dinner for a literacy program in Baltimore. We will go, then get the jet back to New York that night and stay in my penthouse for a few days. It might do us both good to get out of here for a while.” He says it all so casually while I reel at the information.

“I’m not sure I have anything to wear to a fundraising dinner,” I say with a frown.

“I will get something for you. I’ll organize it all, you just say yes.” He searches my eyes, and I smile even brighter.

“Then yes,” I say without any more hesitation, leaning in to kiss him again. He pulls back a little and looks at me, his fingers lightly brushing down my arm and leaving goosebumps in his wake.

“Last week when the accident happened…” Pausing, he shakes his head. “I just…” He stops himself again, trying to find the words. “Wasn’t sure if you would pack up… go back home…”

I’m shaking my head before he’s even finished.

“I’m not going back to the city, Tanner. I like Whispers. I like Marmalade and Gertie. I like you,” I admit, feeling vulnerable. I hold my breath as I wait for his response.

“I think I fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you.” His smile reappears at hearing my confession, his hand coming to caress my cheek, and I lean into his palm.

“Sounds like we are on the same page, then,” I say carefully, seeing nothing but extreme adoration in his eyes.

“Sounds like it,” he says before he seals our words with another mind-melting kiss.

“The weather is sobeautiful this time of year,” I say, looking around the landscaping as we walk together back to the distillery. It is early, guests still have not arrived, but the workers are getting things ready for what no doubt will be another busy day. Once we get to the driveway near his office, the walk for me to get home is only about five minutes from here.

“Here,” he says, throwing me a set of keys.

“You want me to drive your truck?” My heart pounds a little in fear but also excitement. His truck is luxe.

“No, you can drive your own.” He points to a truck in the driveway. I look at it, shiny and new, black like his, but the logo is different. It is blue with a picture of a house, Marie’s Place written underneath it.

“What?” I ask, as I look at him, confused.

“It’s yours.”

I think my heart actually stops.

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