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“Oh my God!” Victoria says, her hand slapping her forehead.

“Why did you think it was male?” Connor asks, looking at her like she is crazy.My kind of crazy.

“His name is Garry!” Victoria says, exasperated, waving her hands around.

“Not anymore.” Connor snorts with a laugh, and I smile, liking that they are getting along.

“Oh my God. This cannot be happening.” She starts pacing the shed. “Oh, Garry, no wonder you hated me; I thought you were a boy!”

It bleats at her like she understands.

“Need anything?” Connor asks me, and I shake my head.

“I got it,” I tell him, as I know he is tired. He’s seen many animals being born and probably has no desire to wait up all night to watch another one.

“You’re leaving? You can’t leave! Do we need a vet? Do we need a doctor? Do I need to boil water and get towels?” Victoria rambles.

“Now I know why my dad likes you so much. Have a good night, you two,” Connor says with another laugh, and I shake my head as Victoria’s mouth is agape, looking between me and Connor’s retreating form.

“Just don’t run over my roses like your dad did yesterday!” she yells out to him, and he waves as he gets into the truck and drives away.

“Take a breath, baby girl. It is all good.” Coming up behind her, I put my hands on her shoulders. As I rub her arms up and down, I feel her take a deep breath, her body relaxing at my touch. The shock of seeing the goat like this was a lot for her.

“But Garry. Is he in pain? I mean, is she in pain? Oh my God, what do I call her now?” she says, spinning to face me, looking confused and crestfallen.

“Relax. I think she will be in labor for a little while. Let’s go inside, grab some coffee and blankets, and make ourselves comfortable.”

“Okay… if you’re sure,” she says, looking between me and the goat and back again.

“I’m sure. Come on.” Grabbing her hand, her fingers immediately entwine with mine as we walk back to the house. The night is still, there are no clouds, the stars on full display. We make it a few steps before she stops, and I turn to face her.

“Thank you for coming so quickly, Tanner,” she says, smiling softly as she looks up to meet my eyes.

“Anytime. You need me, I will be here.” And I mean it.

She lifts up on her tiptoes and places a small kiss on the corner of my mouth. It feels nice. Her. Here. The silent night, the stars, her gratitude. Her honesty. I am starting to realize that I would do almost anything for her already. Including sitting up all night to deliver a baby goat.

“Come on. I’ll make us some coffee,” she says, then leads me inside, and I follow her immediately, not letting her out of my sight.



“Why did you tell Connor I ran over your roses?” Tanner asks me as we walk back to the shed with a flashlight, him with a pile of blankets and me with two hot coffees. It is now late. After we got everything organized and I cleaned up my boxes in the living room, we decided to sit with Garry for the night and ensure she is okay.

“Because you did.” I scoff at him as we set up our picnic place in the shed, sitting in a clear area, some straw underneath us to soften the floor. I am so relieved that he is here. I wasn’t sure if I should call him or not, but I am so glad I did. He dropped everything for me and was here the moment I needed him. That feeling is like a balm to my skin, enveloping me in warmth that this man cares about me.

“No, I didn’t,” he says with a frown. We both take a seat, and I sigh. We are back to bickering already.

“Yes, you did. I think it happened the other day when you tore out of here to fix the problem at the distillery,” Itell him, waving my hand around. I see him deep in thought.

“Who else came past here the last few days?” he asks, and my eyes narrow on him.

“No one. That's why I went to town because I was so bored. I noticed the roses when I got home,” I tell him, wondering why he is not admitting it.

“So you did go to town?” Smirking, he quirks an eyebrow. I think he’s enjoying calling me out.Shit.

“Fine. Yes, alright,” I say with a huff, knowing full well he thinks I should have been resting and elevating my ankle to ensure I don’t overuse it, but we both know I am fine.

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