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“Alright, that’s quite enough, asshole,” I growl, running a hand through my hair. If they keep this up, I will head home for the day.

“Maybe you should go for her then, Connor?” Huxley offers, and I almost buckle at the thought.

“Not his type,” I say too quickly, and they both look at me before they double over in laughter.

“What is this? Are you two really ganging up on me? You know what? She might be more suited to you, Connor,” I relent, even though it kills me. They are much closer in age… It would make more sense.

“Ahhh, not for me, Dad. I’m not looking at the moment. Besides, I think this one has you all up in knots already.”

I feel tension instantly ease from my body. I would never stand in the way of my son finding love, but I am relieved that I saw her first.

“It’s about time you dated properly, Dad, don’t you think?” Connor says to me, his face now serious.Here we go again.

“Tanner, if I have learned anything, it is to not let the past affect my future,” Huxley says, slapping my shoulder, and I roll my eyes again.

“She is just the neighbor. Nothing more.” I try to drill that statement into my own brain. A very sexy neighbor, but my neighbor just the same.

“So you won't care if we go over there, then. You know, introduce ourselves,” Connor says, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and grabbing his keys. I grind my teeth.

“She doesn't need new people around.”

Connor raises an eyebrow at me.

“Bullshit. Now I really want to meet the woman who has you all tied up.”

“I parked out front, we can take my truck,” Huxley says, already walking away.

“Knock it off,” I reiterate, but they’re not listening.

“I’ll take over a bottle of whiskey as a gift. I hear she is a bit quirky and always wears pink. I think we have something pink in the gift shop we could take as well. You know, get on her good side,” Connor says, stepping over to grab a bottle from the shelf.

“She doesn’t like whiskey,” I tell him, and he stops mid-stride.

“Really? What else doesn’t she like?” Huxley asks as they look at me, both of their smiles threatening. I can tell they are holding in their laughter. Assholes.

“Drop it. Both of you.” Releasing a heavy breath, I think they can finally see how serious I am.

“Fine. We will meet her some other time,” Connor says, laughing.

“You do the stock.” I point at Connor. “You go back to your wife.” I point at Huxley. “I’ve got to call Griffin,” I tell them both, walking away from them toward the door. I need to organize Griffin to come and look at Victoria’s kitchen. Preferably this week, because I know she can’t do a lot and having this ball rolling will help.

“What’s Griffin doing for us now?” Connor asks, and it’s a very valid question. I do need Griffin for my other project, but that can wait.

“Just helping out a friend,” I say as I quicken my pace to walk out of the warehouse.

“Must be a pretty good friend to get a builder like Griffin involved,” Huxley says to Connor, loud enough for me to hear.

“Hmm, the only friend whom I know needs a builder would be our new neighbor?” Connor yells out to me as I step outside, and I hear the two of them cackling. Once I slam the door behind me with a huff, I call one of the country's best builders to get him sorted for renovating my new neighbor’s kitchen.

Because that is just the neighborly thing to do.Keep telling yourself that, Tanner.



The cut on my ankle stings as I stretch up on my toes, getting the last bit of painting done near the roof cavity before I can finally call the outside complete.

It hurts more than I thought it would, although I haven’t really kept off it like I should have. Now I am worried it might start bleeding again if I pull it too much.

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