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“I want to talk to you. We left everything so… uncertain.”

There was nothing uncertain about the way he had sex in my bed with another woman.

“We are over, Josh. You need to stop calling me. It isgetting ridiculous.” My shoulders feel tense. I wish he would just let me get on with my life.

“We are not over, Victoria. I love you. We are getting married!”

Even though he can’t see me, I roll my eyes in annoyance.

“The wedding is canceled. I am not marrying you. We are no longer together,” I tell him like he doesn’t already know, ready to end this pointless conversation.

“Fiona says you’re traveling. Where are you?” He switches tack, and I almost get whiplash.

“I’m with family. Now stop calling and move on. Goodbye, Josh.” I hang up immediately, not wanting to entertain him further. No sooner have I ended the call than he calls again. So I go back to ignoring him. Eventually, he will get the hint.I hope.

Pushing him out of my mind, I snap a shot of my garden and basket of eggs with my bare painted toes in the background for my socials, quickly posting it with the hashtag #ladyoftheland. I take a few moments to look through and see that my followers have grown rapidly since just the other night, my mother loving the photo instantaneously, which makes me smile. I scroll through, looking at my previous posts, before my phone shrieks in my hand, and Fiona’s name lights up the screen.

“Hey,” I say quickly. This call is already better than the last.

“That is such a cute photo. Are they fresh eggs?” she asks, and I giggle.

“Straight from the coop!” I tell her with a broad smile.

“It looks better there than this stupid cubicle,” shehuffs out, and I imagine her typing away at her computer in the small office in the city, the iridescent lighting showering her from above. I am even more grateful for the fact that I am here, in the fresh air, in the sunlight, experiencing something new.

“The farm is great, and I have so many photos. I keep finding new things.” The property provides fantastic content from the garden, the views, the plants. Even the shed, the equipment, and the truck. It all paints a picture of small-town, rural life.My new life. Looking back on everything now, I feel a sense of accomplishment at how I have been able to not only make the move, but also start to get the place in order and meet new friends.

“Any nice men there?” she teases, and I roll my lips.

“None. I have a very annoying neighbor, though, and he wants my property…” I’ve been meaning to share this with her.

“Oh, interesting! Tell me more.”

This is probably the most exciting thing she’s heard today from her eager tone. It makes me laugh.

“His name’s Tanner, and he owns Whiteman’s Whiskey. He is somewhat of a town hero, it seems. Everyone likes him and everyone knows him. His distillery is next door and he wants to buy this place. Obviously, I told him no. But Fiona, he is like… God’s gift to women everywhere.” Just thinking about him, my heart races. I can’t remember a man who has gotten under my skin as much as he has. “But of course, he is arrogant and annoying and…”

“Hmm… you said that already,” she teases me, and I huff.

“He is older, at least a decade or two older than me.”

“So? Who cares about age?” She snorts at me like I am being ridiculous, and she is right, age is nothing but a number. It certainly hasn’t stopped the visions I have been having of him at night. The very naughty images. Clearly, I am just having crazy thoughts. Who in their right mind would have sexy thoughts about their maddening neighbor? I should be thinking of ways to get rid of him, the same way he is thinking about me. I know all he wants is my property.

“You’re right. What are you up to anyway?” I ask, changing the subject before she puts any more crazy thoughts in my head.

“Well, I wanted to ensure farm life was still treating you well and to also let you know that Josh has started calling me, continually asking where you are. Apparently, he has been banging on your apartment door and the super told him you have left for a few months,” she says, and a groan rumbles from my chest.

“I just spoke to him and confirmed that we are no longer together. Hopefully he stops calling you now too. I have no idea why he even cares.”

I might be exhausted with all the work I am doing here, but I am also happy. The happiest I have been in a long time. My mother was right; this change in my life has been so good, and with spring now in the air, I feel my season of change blooming as Whispers slowly becomes home. The last thing I need is my cheating ex to cause trouble.

“He is a cheating asshole. Probably thought his life was planned out. Work on Wall Street, marry a smart,beautiful woman, but keep some candy on the side. He is such a moron. What do you want me to tell him?” she asks, and I have no idea. I am a far cry from the city professional I was. It is like my life has done a complete one-eighty.

“God, if Josh could see me now.” I laugh at myself. Bare legs out, sitting on my porch in a robe, surrounded by grass and plants and a goat.

“If you look so delightful, take a selfie and put it up on your channel. I can let him know your new social media details and it might work in scaring him away.”

“I have a feeling nothing will scare him away,” I tell her honestly. It isn’t like he is just calling occasionally. His calls to me are increasing to numerous times a day. It’s gotten disturbing.

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