Page 29 of Thorned Vengeance

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Pres looks at me. “Why don’t you show her around, help her get settled, and then you can both grab something to eat?”

“If it’s all the same to you,” Delaney begins. “I’d rather get right to work. The Phantom doesn’t rest, and neither should we.”

“It’s getting late, and we’re coming off a long trip,” Soul says. “Work can wait til tomorrow.”

“And if the Phantom strikes in the meantime?”

“It’s not his MO to strike so quickly,” I remind her. “Relax, sweetheart.”

Delaney’s shoulders stiffen. “I already told you, I’m not your sweetheart.”

Soul grins. “I was right.”

“Right about what?” Delaney demands.

Soul’s eyes dart from her to me and back again. “This is gonna be fun.” With that, he walks away.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Delaney snaps.

I’ve got a pretty good guess, but I’m not about to tell her. “Nothing.” I rest my hand on her shoulder and urge her toward the bar. “Let’s grab a drink, and then I’ll show you around.”

Delaney huffs out a breath and nods. “I could really go for a Jack and Coke.”

While I get us both a drink, Fort approaches her with his scanner to get her set up so she’s able to move about the clubhouse while she’s here. She must accept his explanation as to why he needs her prints because she doesn’t give him a hard time, and I can’t help but wonder why she so easily trusts him but not me.

“Here,” I grunt as I thrust a full tumbler at her. She finishes it in one long gulp before slamming the glass onto the bar. Arching a brow, I ask, “Better?”

“Much. So, can we skip the tour? If we’re not gonna get to work, I’d really rather just get my stuff and be alone.”

“Pres wants you to get the tour, you’re gonna get the damn tour. And you have to eat something. Don’t want you starving on my watch.”


As I walk through the clubhouse with Delaney on my heels, I show her the kitchen, medical wing, and gym while informing her which rooms are off-limits.

“Why can’t I go in there?” she asks when we stop outside the room where church is held.

“Club business happens in there,” I admit.

Delaney crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot. Her petite stature, and the indignation in her expression are equal parts annoying and fucking adorable.

“In case you’ve forgotten, you need my help, not the other way around,” she quips. “I tracked the Phantom once on my own, and I can do it again.”

“What’s your point?”

She rolls her eyes. “My point, asshole, is that my help isn’t free. Either there are no secrets between us, or I walk.”

I level my gaze on her and stare, trying to determine if she’s as tough on the inside as she presents on the outside. Her eyes give away nothing but a glint of determination. Reminding myself that she was chasing a serial killer all on her own, and managed to almost get him, I make a snap decision.

“You really wanna know what we do here?” I ask. “Because once you know, you can’t forget.”

She hesitates for a split second before nodding. “Tell me everything.”

“Follow me.”

I lead Delaney to the back elevator, and when we step on and the doors close, the car begins to descend.

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