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“Having a drink at the lounge.” I raise a thumb toward the elevators, trying to act as natural as possible.

“With that stupid grin on your face?” he points a finger at me, “Oh, Matthews, who do you think you’re fooling?”

My face turns red, stupid grin and all, as I’m rubbing it even redder with my palm pressed against my nose.

“Does it make up for it if I tell you that it was amazing, coach?” I ask, sheepish all of a sudden.

“How amazing, Matthews?” the man strokes his chin and waits for me to impress him.

I take a big gulp of air and answer him in one breath. “Let’s just say I wouldn’t trade what happened tonight for a billion dollars, coach!”

He snickers and takes a step back. In that moment, I feel a radiant happiness emanating from within me, and I can see it affecting him too. His demeanor softens almost instantly, his expression transforming from stern to warm in the blink of an eye.

“I should bench you, Matthews, but you’re far too valuable.” He walks up to me and pats my on the shoulder. “Now go to your room and try to get some sleep.”

Grinning even harder, I head to my room. An idea that has been slowly formulating in my mind rises to the surface, and I turn around and call out to the coach.

“Coach! Can I ask you something?” I ask, feeling unsure inside, but feigning confidence.

“I thought we were done, but spit it out,” he approaches me, arms crossed with a curious frown.

“I need to make an announcement during the second intermission,” I say, my arms gesturing widely. “Can that be arranged?”

Once again, he strokes his chin as he considers my request.

“What kind of announcement?” he asks, more curious than stern.

I refuse to give him an answer and just grin in reply.

“Oh, come on, Matthews!” the coach slaps his sides. “Don’t leave me hanging!”

I laugh and then lay a finger over my lips and whisper loudly, “It’s a secret.”

“Hmm,” he growls, doubting me. “It would be easier if I knew what it was.”

“All I need are a microphone and five minutes,” I say as my ultimatum.

Coach bites his lip, bobbing his head around, arms still crossed. Finally, he says what I want to hear. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. Before the game I’ll let you know.”

Impulsively I step ahead, cup the man’s face into my hands, and kiss him in both cheeks, much to his chagrin.

He pushes me away the very next second, grunting in protest and fed up with me. “Okay, Matthews, don’t push it! Now go to your room already.”

An idiot grin on my face, I head inside my room. I order food then shower. The food arrives just as I’m coming out of the bathroom, and all throughout the rest of the night, all I can think about is one thing.

I hope she says yes.

Oh, if she only knew that I measured her ring finger over two weeks ago while she was asleep, using a piece of string. I then bought the most expensive ring in the store. They say to spend three month’s salary, and I have the blessing of a quite generous one.

I wake up before dawn, too early for practice or to call anyone. I feel a mixture of excitement and nerves surging through me. I try to use this energy to keep me laser-focused on the game, despite the anticipation bubbling inside me.

Shortly before the game, after the coach informs me that I have the green light for my big announcement, I call Amanda.

“Can you bring Mia to the bleachers during the second intermission?” I ask, and I realize I sound like I’m begging.

“That’s a tall order, Ethan. You know how much she focuses on her work,” Amanda replies, sounding concerned.

“Just tell her I have a big surprise for her, okay?” I say, feeling desperate. “If anyone can get her down there, it’s you!”

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