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Ethan had the brilliant idea to invite three other teams’ rosters. God, if no punches are thrown, the girls and I will count ourselves lucky. Just as Ethan fixes his prosthetic…

The doorbell rings. I suggested Ethan’s teammates arrive early to kick things off smoothly. These guys know each other well from past teams, yet I still fear a fight might break out.

A hired greeter opens the door to the Raphaels. Ethan greets them warmly, and I follow suit. If they were his best friends during his marriage, they better still be despite me.

“Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable,” I offer, but Sarah dismisses me, sniffing out the booze like a bloodhound.

“What’s this about you being pregnant? Debbie heard something from Senna?” She touches my arm before fixing herself a martini.

“Yeah, I guess it’s no secret anymore… I’m pregnant. Almost ten weeks.”

Sarah squeals with excitement upon hearing the news. “And do you have a doctor yet?”

She touches my arm again, eagerly waiting to hear. I hold onto her, glad to feel like friends for once.

“No, I don’t,” I shake my head. “Time’s been tight. But the season wraps up in a few weeks, and—”

“Oh, I have a doctor I can introduce you to!” Sarah's all giddy now. “She’s been with me and Debbie from day one.”

The doorbell rings incessantly, but thankfully, the greeter handles it. I’d be dizzy if I had to manage it all myself.

Surprisingly, everyone gets along well, even as Ethan shows them his game room. I get to know the girls through Sarah.

A girl dating someone from another team learns of my pregnancy from Sarah. I shoot Sarah a look, but her congratulatory hug feels genuine, and I can’t help but open up to her.

News spreads fast. Ruslav drags Ethan and a swarm of gossiping players back to me.

Ethan steps up to me, and I can tell he’s about to pull a prank. I hand my Shirley Temple to Sarah and plant my hands on my hips.

Ethan’s lip starts to quiver, his eyes wide. I can tell he’s going to pretend he didn’t know about the baby, and I brace myself for the coming banter at Ruslav's expense. I better play along and keep a straight face.

“You’re pregnant?” Ethan plays it up with broad gestures and an over-the-top expression— Let’s just say he’s definitely not cut out for acting.

“Oh!” I feign shock, turning away. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this.”

Ethan steps closer, grabbing my waist, eyes locked on mine. It’s a challenge to keep a straight face, but the longer we draw this out, the longer the room holds its breath.

“What now?” he says, his breath against my lips.

“We… We…” I shake my head. “Oh, come on, don’t play dumb. You’ve known for weeks!”

I playfully tap his chest. He releases me with a shrug, and everyone laughs. He turns to Ruslav, shakes his head, then comes back to kiss me passionately.

Applause, whistles, and catcalls follow. I’m floating in his embrace, supported solely by his strong arms. I have to catch my breath when we finally break apart.

Sarah kicks off the congratulations, followed by a parade of ladies, most of whom I've just met today but who bring warmth to the gathering.

Finally, Sarah returns my drink, and we settle across from each other on the couches.

“Alright, you win,” Sarah begins. “I want another baby, Ray!”

“Nuh-uh! Not happening!” Raphael playfully denies her, shaking his finger with exaggerated emphasis. “When I retire,” he adds.

Sarah pouts instantly, crossing her arms and finishing her martini.

“Tell her when you plan to retire, Ray,” Ethan nudges Raphael, then looks at me.

Raphael’s about to respond, but Sarah beats him to it. “He doesn’t want to retire until thirty-eight, Mia!”

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